Historical fiction stories written by teens | Teen Ink

Historical Fiction

Top voted Historical Fiction

#3791voted by our readers
By Lady_Teribithea GOLD
LaPorte, Colorado

Friday, March 13th, 1739 Dear Mother and Father, I’m ecstatic that I’m able to be writing this to you. I wanted to tell you that I’m alive, if not very well. Abubacar was n...
Lady_Teribithea GOLD, LaPorte, Colorado
14 articles 3 photos 27 comments

#3792 Fiction
mco13 BRONZE, Bozeman, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#3793 Fiction
By LostInTime SILVER
Charlotte, North Carolina
LostInTime SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 7 comments
#3794 Fiction
By Lydiaq ELITE
Somonauk, Illinois
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
172 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.

#3795 Fiction
By jkummailil BRONZE
Boston, Massachusetts
jkummailil BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#3796 Fiction
By ZebraWithoutStripes ELITE
Blue Springs, Missouri
ZebraWithoutStripes ELITE, Blue Springs, Missouri
102 articles 8 photos 84 comments

Favorite Quote:
To make a difference in the world, you have to be different from the world.

#3797 Fiction
estev BRONZE, Vail, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#3798 Fiction
MrOConnorFan1 SILVER, Danville, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Mr. O'Connor is the best teacher I've ever had." - Everyone.

#3799 Fiction
By Anonymous
#3800 Fiction
By lrodriguez BRONZE
Hohokus, New Jersey
lrodriguez BRONZE, Hohokus, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments