Blind Adventures | Teen Ink

Blind Adventures

April 27, 2016
By avarex BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
avarex BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hard Work beats Talent when Talent doesn't work hard.

As soon as I bought the ticket, I had a feeling something wouldn’t work out. I knew something was not right. As soon as I felt the ticket in my hand, I regretted it. That thick paper in my hand, running through my fingers; this was not a good idea.
I woke up in the middle of the night, with Zeus whining at my feet. I heard people outside yelling and screaming. What could be going on out there? I wish I could actually see it, though. This blindness hasn’t helped me much. I put my finger over the clock. 11:54 it read. I stepped out of my 2nd class bed. Zeus was already at the door.
I stepped out slowly, and I asked someone nearby what was going on. They just kept running, nowhere. They were all screaming something that sounded like “We’re sinking!” I was panicked now. How was the unsinkable ship sinking?
A man came up to me. He said “Come here, James!” It was Jack! He guided me to the side of the boat, and he confirmed to me that, the Titanic was in fact sinking. I felt sorry for Zeus. The poor German shepherd was not used to so many people, all panicking. He was tugging at my leg. Sorry buddy, not now. Jack told me where we would have to go. We would have to literally slide down the side of the ship. This was crazy! But, I guess we had to do this. We started down the ship. Zeus was in my arms. I felt the angle of the ship move sharper and sharper. A sudden cold rush went through my foot. That was water. We couldn’t even talk, the splashing of the water was crazed. When I met Jack at dinner, I never thought we would go this far. I don’t know how long I was just here, floating in the cold Atlantic Ocean. I could’ve been there for 20 minutes; I could’ve been there for 3 hours. I have no clue. No lifeboats were to be seen, except for one that came almost as I was losing hope. I heard the boat. Jack was holding my arm, and we swam to the boat. He guided me up onto it, and someone said “Does anyone here own a guide dog?” Zeus! I completely forgot about him. I said “Yes! Whe
re is Zeus?” The man brought Zeus to me, and I lost control. I couldn’t help myself. I started crying. I was so glad I got Zeus back because I don’t remember it.
Jack and I became friends. He saved my life. Every Sunday morning we met up. Now I’m here, retired, writing about my time on the Titanic.
  -James Hartwell

The author's comments:

I made this because we were learning about the Titanic. I felt that I could actually make this into something, so I made a historical fiction about the Titanic.

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