The Story of Abigail Williams | Teen Ink

The Story of Abigail Williams

January 4, 2016
By cpccam00 BRONZE, Gales Ferry, Connecticut
cpccam00 BRONZE, Gales Ferry, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

November 15th, 1692 is the day that I, Abigail Williams moved into Salem, Massachusetts. Salem is a very old town with very harsh winters and strict education. I moved excitedly with my parents, brother, and slave Tituba, or we call her Ba-Ba, into a small house. It was light gray that sat next to a church and the house of the Bassett’s. Soon after moving the daughter, Elizabeth Bassett, and I became and nothing could separate us. Then, one evening I was inside Liz’s dull gray bedroom playing stick dolls and we heard a couple of girls screaming across the pathway. We looked outside from the dirty window and saw people surrounding the Ray’s household. Apparently what happened was that the girls felt interactions with creatures like demons and couldn’t stop screaming and thrashing around. That is just one of the times that this sort of thing happened and it scares everyone in the village. Soon we called this The Witch Trials. Everyone in the village was into this and rumors were spread around that the girls started to fake the interactions after a while for more attention. Liz, Tituba, and I go deep into the woods where a big pot was next to a ditch for fire. All of us had to wait until it got darker so Tituba could tell us a story. The sky was a dark gray, almost pitch black and Ba-Ba’s started the fire in the ditch, putting the pot onto the rack over the fire. The story was about how in Ba-Ba’s hometown it was filled with witches and how now it is abandoned. Ba-Ba is not just our slave, she is a witch, but the villagers want to keep her because she is good and will help everyone.
One evening Liz brought me outside where we met a very handsome man. His name is John Procter, Liz’s husband, and THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. She has been acting so strangely, like changing the subject every time we talk about boys or plans in the future, because this humongous secret was between us and she didn’t know how to tell me. I don’t blame her from marrying him. John has sky blue eyes that you can stare in forever and jet black hair that goes just past his ears. And now people are being accused for creating and being involved in the Witch Trials (A.K.A. being a witch) and many people are being executed innocent or not. The Witch Trials are very annoying and sometimes girls fake it for publicity. I have an idea but it isn’t a great one and I could lose everything if I mess this up. I don’t know why I am doing this, but Liz was courting and didn’t tell me.  I just wish she didn’t end like this…
My plan was to try and find a way to have John be mine. I hung out a lot with him after we met so we can become close and so he can go to me if something bad happens. I do feel bad for what I am going to do, I really do and Liz will always be my best friend. The next day, Elizabeth and I hear screaming and we instantly knew what was going on. More people are having the witch experiences and getting sick. I started to get very nervous as I say to Liz that we should go over there. As we start walking down the rocky, dirty road my hands start shaking and I start sweating even though it is almost 10 degrees outside. When we walk into the Mahogany colored house we see 5 people crowded around the bed where we see 2 tweens screaming and thrashing around on their small bed with black as night covers and blankets. I turn to Liz, say I’m sorry, and immediately scream “ELIZABETH BASSETT IS THE WITCH.” The 5 people standing looks at Liz as she angrily stares back at me. I don’t run after her because then my plan might be ruined. Then, a town meeting is called and everyone listens very carefully as the head man calls a Witch Trial tomorrow at noon.
I am here sitting in the stands with all the other villagers as Liz is up front with the head people and the girls. While the girls are yelling and moving around Elizabeth has to touch them and if they stop she is a witch, but the girls could still be faking. Now that the girls have stopped when Liz has touched them, the heads have to decide what will be her punishment. Since it is much warmer out, everyone goes to the lake that looks like mud, where Elizabeth will die. They dunk her for 30 seconds and if she comes up and doesn’t admit she is a witch she has to stay under longer. Liz eventually doesn’t come up and the meeting is dismissed. While the villagers leave I stay and look into the dirty blue lake. I suddenly noticed a weird object, kind of like a top of a bouncy ball, coming through the water and then I realize it is a person, Liz! I get very happy, but sad at the same time and try to apologize to her. Elizabeth is very angry and she starts walking towards me, and I fall backwards on the dusty, rocky road. She walks towards me until I have no choice, but to go underneath the mud water. I soon fall unconscious at the bottom of the lake. Elizabeth is getting revenge and now I realize that this is the end for me.

The author's comments:

This is a narrative I wrote for 8th grade LA reflecting the theme of struggle. This story is inspired from the real event of the Salem Witch Trials.

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