A war like no other | Teen Ink

A war like no other

December 8, 2015
By Anonymous

It was 1775 when it all started my mama told me to go up to my room and take cover so I did. I ran as fast as I could all the to my room without stopping and hid under my bed. I was 14 at the time and I knew exacly what was happening the war on the our 13 colnies. The British were attacking us from all sides.
It seemed like forever before my mama came up to get me and said that we needed to go to the bomb shelter down the road and we needed to hurry and not be seen. Well it wasn't realy a bomb shelter it was something make of stone and put in the ground. By the time we got to the shelter our house was already destoyed and people were running around like crazy. More and more people are dying and before I knew it a Britsh man shot my mama in the back, she screamed in pain and told me to get in the shelter now and to lock the doors and stay with the other people down there then without even knowing why I ran down the steps lock the doors and huddled in with the rest of the group, and knew my mother had died.
Over the next few years me and the rest of the people in the shelter started moving to the woods trying to survive off of whatever we could find without the British (Red coats) finding us many of us died but we did not let that stop us we kept moving forward waiting for the war to be over. We went through many villages the had already been destroyed and collected all of the people that survived and helped them if they were hurt.
After six years of waiting gathering and recruting we finally gather 200 people that were willing to risk their lives to have freedom for the rest of us. After several weeks of planning in a not yet destoyed village the British came and we were ready this time we had all the people hidden in the woods far from the village and all the volentears hidden behind wagons and some just hidden in plain sight.
The British was the first to fire but in the end after nearly half the village was burned and about 157 people dead and the rest severly injured we won. We have declared independance on the 13 colonies. This war lasted 7 years and they are the years i won't forget. And I know that someday they will strike again and we will have a better army than now we will be stronger, braver, and we will have hope. Next time we will have god on our side.
We will survive!

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this because of my love for History. I like how you can know different things about the past even know most of it is sad. Anyways this story is based on the                      Revolutionary war. The war where the British attached the 13     colonies.             Hope you enjoy it.

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