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No Title

April 28, 2015
By KelvinS BRONZE, Dalton, Georgia
KelvinS BRONZE, Dalton, Georgia
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

          The year was 1960. “Leave me alone!” “Go away, what do you want from me?!” “I want your life!” “Ahhhh” CRACK!  1 Year Later…. Everyone was still shocked about the woman that died. “Stupid KKK, I will stop this.” I said to myself. I was riding the bus to work. I worked at the Almighty Drug and Liquor Store. I tried not to look at, white, people coming in the store in the eye. I would also think to myself, what if I was white. People would respect me. Even if I just had white skin and same personality, they would respect me. Just then, a white woman walked in the store. She bought peanuts and a water bottle. “Have a nice day.” I said. She turns around and looks at me like a hawk.  I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. That night, I couldn’t stop thinking of how the woman looked at me. I hoped nothing bad would happen. I couldn’t stop thinking of what could happen. Thoughts raced through my head. Then all those idea came to a stop. I heard a bang on the door. The door collapsed. ´´Where are you black Negro! ´´ yelled a deep voice. I heard footsteps in the hallway. I had to get out, somehow. I jumped out the window and hid in some bushes. I knew it was the KKK. There was a black woman hiding, too. She looked beautiful under the moonlight. She was wearing a colorful bead necklace. The silence broke when the bushes caught fire. ´´RUN´´ I told her. She ran as fast as she could. I ran behind her. She hadn’t noticed her necklace fell off. We made it far enough away. We looked back and saw a burning cross. We now knew if we encountered the KKK a second time, we weren’t going to make it alive again. She went home, but I didn’t. I thought maybe the KKK is waiting for me. I didn´t want to risk it. I slept in the church and couldn’t stop thinking about her. I didn’t even know her name. I woke up to the smell of smoke thick smoke. A house was burning. I went to see whose house it was. I asked someone whose house it was. They said it was someone’s named Allison’s. I asked who Allison was and a man showed me a picture of her. It was her. The woman I met in the bushes. I asked ´´Where is she.´´ I asked them. They all responded ´´She is still inside.´´ I tried to run inside but everyone stopped me. I was able to get through. Once I was inside I looked everywhere. I couldn’t find her. ´´ALLISON! ´´ I yelled. I heard someone cough. ´´WHERE ARE YOU! ´´ I yelled louder. I found her lying down on the floor. I ran towards her. As I was 5 feet away from her, a piece of flaming wood fell on top of her. ´´NOOOOOOOO! ´´ I yelled. I felt like taking my life away. I decided to wait until I got revenge. I ran outside and said she couldn’t make it. People started to cry. I asked who had done it. They said it was the KKK. I knew how to get revenge from them. The next day I found a machete. I looked for an officer. When I did find one, I struck the machete to his head. It was an instant death. I took the gun and waited for the KKK on my porch. I saw them approaching. I took aim and pulled the trigger 6 times. They all fell down. I hid in the woods taking what little I had. I wrote this story in the woods. Now I will turn myself in to the police. I know they will kill me, but at least I will join Allison.

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