Racing | Teen Ink


March 4, 2015
By Robert5 BRONZE, Kings Mtn, North Carolina
Robert5 BRONZE, Kings Mtn, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One friday night my dad and i was at the cleveland county fairgrounds racing with like twenty-three other guys.We just finished hot laps and was at the drivers meeting to listen to the rules as always the same things were said and after that all the other drivers were seeing were they were going to start in the heat races. When we finished the heat races we over we started the main event unfortunately my dad and I had to start side by side in the main event which i didn’t want to happened but i guess you don’t get everything you want.

Before any of the main events started it started to rain and everyone thought that it wouldn’t rain long but they was wrong it rained for thirty minutes and it soaked the track so everyone loaded their cars up and left and we would run all the main events next week.Well it was the next friday and we ran the main events my dad finished tenth and I finished fifth.We had to draw to see were we were  going to start in the heat races for that nights race my  dad drawn a six and i drawn a three for the heat races.We finished the heat races and we were starting the main events.I was starting in front of my dad for the main event,I was starting in fifth and my dad was starting in seventh.

When we started went from fifth to like third and my dad went from fifth to like fourth and he followed me to the front of the pac and
thats the way we stayed until a car a lap down took my dad out and I ended up winning and taking the car out that took my dad out in the process of trying to win the race for him.

The author's comments:

I actually race and so does my dad

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