You create the ending! (J.C) | Teen Ink

You create the ending! (J.C)

May 17, 2014
By tsongbird SILVER, Waxahachie, Texas
tsongbird SILVER, Waxahachie, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The wise man is the man who knows he doesn't know everything"

J.C's breath came in ragged gasps. He ran until the only sound he heard was the pounding of his heart and echoing footsteps. He looked down at the coinpurse in his hands. With trembling fingers he opened it. Three shillings! That was everything inside. He had killed a man and ran half way across the city for just three shillings!?
J.C lay his head down in his hands. His sister Miri was sickly and his parents were dead. The workhouse was working his sister near death. He had escaped but his sister wasn't strong enough. J.C was so wrapped up in his despair that he didn't notice the policeman sneaking up behind him. In an instant he was handcuffed and sentenced to hang.

What will happen next? Will J.C hang? Will a sinister criminal bust him out? Or maybe J.C will find a way to miraculously cheat death? I don't know YOU decide and publish your ending on Teen Ink!

The author's comments:
I got bored lol

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