The Fire of a Slave | Teen Ink

The Fire of a Slave

April 25, 2014
By Daniel Funes BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Daniel Funes BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

October, 1840

The blood I felt pumping through my heart coming in and out. I was terrified and dogs barking at me. The slave masters was chasing me I should have thought this through. They yelling “come here N****, come here!!!". I was terrified at them coming. I screamed as I ran trying to run faster and then the horses started catching up to me and then I felt a sudden shock in my spine. I was paralyzed I thought to myself. The horse stopped on top of my back and I was in anguish. They said “we got you now don't us, no wonder you got caught so quick, your lack self couldn't even think this through. They took me back to the field where I was living and they tied me up to the tree.

"Okay now you bout to get boy"

"28 lashes would do the trick"

All of the people around where in shock they had never seen a runaway from this village return alive and they had never heard of the master giving 28 lashes. I had never heard of it either until now.
I heard them count as they hit me. I began to scream and my family was crying "no, no please stop". He stopped.

"Okay now who was the one who said that?"

Master yelled.

"Me." my son said

He wasn't the one who said it and then they tied up too the try and he said I don't care if they give me the same amount of lashes as long as I’m with you we will be okay". He stated over and then I got 32 lashes in total. I could barely feel anything on my body. The master through hot steaming water on my back after the lashes. They said that the only reason they wouldn't kill me was because slaves are too expensive in the south nowadays. I then looked over to my right and saw my son and he looked like he was knocked out and I saw people behind me crying and I yelled son!!!!! He was dead, I began to curse at the master and he told me “your son was useless anyways". My wife took me home after the event and they tried to fix me up.

2 Days Later
The owner allowed us to have a funereal for my late son. We had a Church session before the funereal and then the pastor pulled in my son after the session and he was resting in peace as dead people should be. Later that night the master called me over to his house and told me, that he was going to have me sold if I don't let him sleep with my wife.

"Okay n**** we can do it the hard way or the easy way the choice is yours".

I didn't want to lose my family so I cooperated with what master said. I heard her screaming once he started and I wanted to fight back, but if I do I will surely die. I got angry and took the master whip from his house and came back to my cabin and opened the door and whipped him to death. I rebelled for the first time in my life. I stayed in my cabin and men in white masks started to roam around on horses and they had fire with them. They shot at the house and threw fire into the window and the fire started to blaze fast and a vortex of flames started to fill the house. I cried and we kissed for the last time. The shots from the guns hit us and the flames started to burn us. But then I ran outside not harmed very much with a lot and climbed on a horse and started to ride and I got a good distance where I could be safe for a little and helped myself recover and I kept riding in the night and got away. I went to the north so I could live better and not be a slave as I heard so much about.

The author's comments:
This is the story of how slavery was bad and a possible outlook of how it is.

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