The untold stories of harvey milk | Teen Ink

The untold stories of harvey milk

February 3, 2014
By ashley tapia BRONZE, Watsonville, California
ashley tapia BRONZE, Watsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Unknown Stories of Harvey Milk

On January 8, 1978 Harvey Milk became the first openly gay U.S. Official. He believed that all men were equal and everything he did revolved around those beliefs and he dreamed for a better tomorrow. Sadly, Dan White disagreed in those beliefs so he shot and killed Harvey along with George Moscone.

November 25, 1978
There was so much excitement as I walked through the doors of the LGBT center. I don't quite remember but i'm pretty sure I had an enormous smile on my face, I love to smile. I remember we were getting ready for all the staff to go to dinner in celebration of the article we wrote on the newspaper about equality and the great reviews we got from it. We walked to a restaurant near by i was smiling all the way until a stranger drove by screaming the words ¨You should have stayed in the closet! ¨ I mean I get comments like this everyday but some things when they hurt too much they make me think back on the day when I decided to be who I really was and think should I have done it but I always come back to the same conclusion that I am equal.

November 26, 1978
Today is sunday and I started my day off by heading to my camera store. I was checking the inventory when a few young boys come in and as they were looking around I turned around to pick up the pen. In that split second I look up and I see them put multiple cameras in there pants and run out the door, one of the boys almost slipped on the freshly mopped tile but quickly I got and ran. I go after them but I didn't make it too far. I wish I could smile know but something inside me told me not to. I walk back to store and start picking up and organizing all the items they had dropped. The rest of the day I watched customers come and go. I was already walking towards the door to close up when I recognized one of the young boys who had stolen but he had such a look on his face it didn't really compel me to take hold of him and call the police. He doesn't say anything just shows me a bag with all the merchandise he and his friends had stolen he said sorry and ran in the opposite direction he came in.

November 27, 1978
Today wasnt the best day, an ordinary day. I didnt do much except pick up my coat from the dry cleaners. In a few hours i'm heading down to city hall to meet up with Moscone to discuss budget cuts. Before I leave i'm picking up some coffee.

That was the last coffee Harvey Milk had shortly after he and George Moscone meet up in city hall, Dan White who had was angry after his request for reassignment by Moscone was denied Dan shot both Harvey and Moscone. Even though Harvey died, he died knowing that he did everything possible to show his hope for equality.

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