A Moment Shared: A Memoir | Teen Ink

A Moment Shared: A Memoir

November 20, 2013
By Liam Boyes BRONZE, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Liam Boyes BRONZE, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Nothing like a rainy day” said Pablo Machine as he smiled to his good friend Tina. Tina and Pablo Machine had been friends for only a short time and Pablo Machine was a cowboy of wacky antics and rash behavior. Scratch, scratch, scratch. How Pablo Machine adored that sound. He turned away to look out the window but really he was hiding the ecstasy he got off of Tina’s drawing behind. He was also very in the know of Tina’s fondness of drawing. “Let me get a peek of the masterpiece”, Pablo Machine said and Tina chuckled at his humour as she handed him her work in progress. Hiding the shock on his face he handed the sketch book back to her. How can it be that bad? Pablo Machine Thought. But he was intent on making Tina his so to be nice he asked, “What is it a Horse?” Tina then burst out into a fury of laughs thinking it was a joke. Seeing her reaction like that Pablo Machine continued. “Why is he eating a banana peel? Horses don’t eat banana peels.” Her reaction from the last time that doubled as she was in stitches on the ground laughing at the joke. Pablo Machine was known to be the sort of casanova from where he was at and when they made eye contact Pablo Machine knew he had a chance to get a kiss. Suddenly the nerves hit the usual smooth as silk Pablo Machine. In an instant instead of going for the kiss Pablo Machine Sticks his Tongue out. This got a decent reaction from Tina. As of her reaction Pablo Machine thus starts leaning to kiss her but he left his tongue out. This Confused Tina. Was he going for a kiss or was he making another joke? She leaned back and Gave Pablo Machine a strange look. Pablo Machine received this message clear as glass and leaned back with his tongue sliding back into his damp, moist mouth. Tina releases a relieved chuckle and Pablo Machine Immediately leans back in as quick as lightning with his tongue out towards Tina. In response to this rash action Tina whips out the extremely deadly and of course banned to be held banana and stabs Pablo Machine in the chest with it. In an instant Pablo Machine was dead. Her guilt set in and she turned herself in. Tina Brutus was soon sentenced by the Roman Empire the same fate as Pablo Machine: Death by banana. Little did Tina Brutas Know Pablo Machine only called himself that in her presence because he was afraid she would not love him for who he was, Julius Ceasar, Emperor of the Roman Empire. All of these events occurred on March 15, 44 B.C.

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