Roman Life | Teen Ink

Roman Life

February 22, 2013
By nick surovec BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
nick surovec BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cling, Clang. The clashing of newly crafted steel swords striking each other, in the middle of training. It had to be during the warmest part of the day, everyone sweating through the light armor we were given when we were young enough to join the army. As I joined the rest of my gladiator group we are going to do hand to hand combat. I was late and as everyone had a partner I was stuck with the biggest guy Hubis. There was a reason this guy didn’t have a partner .He has this greasy black curly hair, that looks like it hasn’t been cleaned ever. Battle scars up and down his body, looking like tattoos. His nose was a little crooked from all the punches he has taken. Last time he took on a bigger guy and it looked to be a good fight but Hubis came out, kicked the guy so hard sending a ripple down this guys leg, instantly bringing him to the ground screaming in pain., and me being undersized, this was not going to be a good outcome.
As a battle cry was screamed everyone started. Hubis spread his huge arms out, veins popping and all. “Are you ready Hubis?” I asked. “I’ll be sure to make it quick,” he grunted. “You are to slow and stupid to defeat me,” I tried to say in an intimidating way. The smile that was on his face turned quickly into anger. The fires in his eyes told me as if he was going to bear hug me, and then probably throw me. I knew there was no way of escaping this giant. I probably stand to this guy’s chest; he has every advantage on me possible. His arms looked as if they were limbs on a tree. I decided it was no longer a battle but survival. He came in with his right arm in a punching, grabbing motion that I dodged, I quickly punched him in the side but he barely flinched. He grabbed my neck, just in time I kicked him in the back of the leg by the knee and he let go of his death grip and stumbled a bit. It was my time to act, I had quickness over him and gave him two shots it the ribs which was like punching a wall. He was hurt and mad now and came at me. He flat out tackled me and wrestled me to the ground, he grabbed the fist I made, and I heard a crunch and yelled as loud as I could. For sure some of my fingers broke, just like my hand I was out of the game.
In this society defeat is not acceptable, you either come back a victorious hero or don’t come back at all, you lose all respect if you come back alive, injured, it’s the same mentality in training. It would be up to the Caesar to decide my fate, usually people like me who loose in training will be used in entertainment, whether that is facing off with lions, or battling to the death with the others disgraced.

It was a warm sunny day. I had on my nicest white robe and new leather shoes as I would make the journey to the Caesar’s palace. Right in front of the town hall it was located, and the reason was to decide if and how I would be used in the entertainment at the coliseum. As I reached the front he was sitting in his giant chair looking like he was living a luxurious life, feet on a stool, two women cooling him down with giant fans. There were four of us standing in line, I was a bit nervous but like the others I didn’t show it. He took a good look at all of us, looking at our size and stature. He finally pointed to the two guys to my left. “You two will fight to the death,” he said calmly. Then his glanced went towards me. He saw my size, a lot shorter than the other three, I’m sure he’s thinking this guy will be good entertainment to watch die, he doesn’t stand a chance. Then the words that flashed in front of me. “Lions,” the Caesar said with a smile.

The lions roar could be heard a mile outside the coliseum walls. It was loud; I couldn’t even hear my own thoughts in my head. How nice it would be to be a spectator, seeing an innocent gladiator be torn apart by lions. My time was coming up; everyone was in the coliseum, hoping chanting to see my limbs be torn off of me. Scared. Shaking, I gathered myself for a battle of my life.
I put my cold armor on my warm body that was already begging to sweat. It was time, my first steps into the biggest stage, mountains of people in a circle around me. In the far end I see my enemy, starving for my flesh and blood. The gates the only thing holding its fury from unleashing on me. I pull my freshly sharpened blade out of my leather holster on the side. I hold it and examine it and can see my distorted face reflected on it, I look like a gladiator. The lion is released and some horn way up by where the Caesar was sitting in luxury. I can tell it wants me, you would think it was a stampede with all the dirt and sand it was picking up. I stuck out the sword and waited for the perfect moment. The lion lunged its body at me, I dodged its strike with one of its paws, and clipped it with the edge of my blade, it yelled out a bloody roar. It came back at me, this time went for the middle of my body, pushing me down and knocking the wind out of me. Its warm breath breathing on my face. He is trying to finish me off but I had my sword shielding his teeth, I turned the sword the other way and jabbed it through the top of his mouth. The bloodiest roar was let out and echoed throughout the coliseum. I pushed the body off to look at my wounds; I would survive as a victor. The coliseum roared in applause of a great battle.

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