La Llorona (Remix) | Teen Ink

La Llorona (Remix)

January 25, 2013
By Anonymous

Once there was a girl her name was Yamilet she lived in a small town and over the years she has been through being abused and used and ends up with two kids Saul and LizAndrew they were raised by a single mother their father left then when LizAndrew was 4 months old he was the youngest of the two Saul was 2 years older than LizAndrew but Saul being the oldest he always looked over his little brother so he wouldn’t cause to much problems and to keep him safe from harm. When Saul was 3 the town was really small everyone knew each other and while 7 years passed more and more buildings started showing up large business and so that made the town more noticeable and so that made more tourists and visitors visit the town and one day there was this building being built and Yamilet was walking home from the construction site and this guy notices her walking he was one of the managers of the construction site and was the son of the owner of the building he was in is late twenty’s he was older then Yamilet but both of them where young the man’s name was Andres he was always clean he was one of those guys that liked to look good not for woman or other people just for himself he was somewhat conceded Yamilet was the type that always be thinks of the situation not really worried about how she looked be she didn’t need to she always looked good without needing to Yamilet was raised in Mexico with a older sister named Yadira they both crossed the border when they where young so when they did cross they learned how to speak English fast because of their young age. Well when Andres went up to her they started talking Andres trying to make it less awkward because he didn’t want to seam weird just going up to her for no reason so they started laughing well so they exchanged numbers and so it when on from there. The odd part about this is that

Yamilet never mentioned her two kids to him Saul and LizAndrew the two boys didn’t know about the man neither because she thought it was only her business the only other person that knew was her sister Yadira and she thought that this seemed to good to be true so she took time to figure what was going on. When time went on Yamilet knew how to win men’s hearts and so she used her tricks by ignoring them at first so they seem to be more interested because she knew that most men like things they can’t get easily. Over time Andres became desperate and tried everything to win her over he would buy her gifts and gave her money for things she couldn’t afford. The more he did this Yamilet knew she had him in the palm of her hand and then her mind started thinking if this all go’s well she can leave her two kids with her sister Yadira and she can leave with Andres somewhere else to avoid telling Andres about her kids and to get her problems as far away as she could. She secretly always thought that her kids where a burden to her and that she couldn’t do what she wanted to do with then by her side. Yadira had a secret thou she had a tumor in her head she found out when she started feeling pain and headaches so she went to the doctor to check what was wrong and found out that she only had limited time to live and that there was a surgery for it but she couldn’t afford it and by the size of it there was limited chance she would live. Later on yadira called Yamilet to go to her house and to leave the kids at home when Yamilet got there yadira told her what was going on Yamilet felt like it was a dream just a nightmare at first. When time went by yadira dyed and Yamilet became depressed for her loving sister and she gave up on life. She told Andres to leave her alone and to forget about her and two nights after her sister’s death she became crazy with depuration and hate for her life. She drowned her kids in the river near by and when she realized what she had done she

jumped the bridge to kill herself in the same river she had drowned her kids. The city founded there body’s and made there memorials right next to the river there was two crosses for the kids right next to each other with roses and there photos and for Yamilet they made another one on the bridge where she jumped and that very night people say they saw a weeping woman in a white dress looking for her children and taking other children away so people can feel the same pain as she did………..The End (Fin)

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