Living during The Great Depression | Teen Ink

Living during The Great Depression

May 12, 2021
By Anonymous

In 1929 I lived in a town in Texas called San Antonio. I lived with both of my parents and my two younger siblings, Maddie and Mason. In October during this year, The Great Depression hit our city hard, as well as the whole United States. There was a huge stock market crash. Many families across the nation struggled as jobs had to lay off thousands of people, and markets were failing badly.  My parents both soon became employed and it was a struggle for them to keep our house and all the things we needed. The city we lived in took a hard-hit against the stock market crash crash and millions of families struggled to get money as almost everyone was losing their jobs and homes. My family struggled a ton and many people who we knew struggled and lost their jobs around the same time that my parents had. The nation was at a low point and people were worried about what would happen. It was hard for people to pay for their homes without jobs, and everyone soon became very  worried. Eventually as time passed many banks closed, and people lost more of their money due to this happening. 

My dad worked for a huge company, and whenever the stock market crashed his company failed and got shut down. His company lost thousands of dollars with the low income and had to fire many people. His company lost so many people and it was barely going in other states before it got closed down and went bankrupt. My mom never worked as much as my dad, because she was always at home helping with me and my siblings and working from home. Over the nation, hundreds of thousands of families became unemployed and soon the whole nation took a toll for the worst. When my dad stopped working we did not have much income or money. It was hard for my parents to provide for us so my parents decided it was time to move. My parents wanted to possibly find a job in a different state, so that we did not struggle to buy food or survive. 

My best friend Harold lived next to us with his parents. Him and his family had lived next to us since the time I was born were very close with my family.  His dad and mom both had lost their jobs as well during this hard time. Our parents were very close friends with his and all together they all decided to move along with us so that maybe we could help each other out through these times. Harold and I were very excited that we would be able to live together for a little bit as our parents and our families we’re trying to keep us together and help us through these times. I knew the world took a turn for the worst, as almost all stores and companies were closed in our town, and everywhere around us. There were riots on the streets weekly, and people were begging on the streets for food. I had hope for mine and Harold's family, as I thought moving to a new state would give us a new start, and possibly some hope for a better life in a new town. We soon moved out of Texas and headed north to Arkansas.

Harold and I were both homeschooled, along with our siblings when we had moved. As our families lived together, in a small house, we all spent a majority of time together at home. Our dad’s finally found a place to work in the new town that we had moved to. Both of our moms were home all the time. Our mom;s both tried their best to teach us from home, and make sure our home was cleaned and tidied up all the time. Our dads both ended up finding jobs at the same place and worked together in a warehouse that was walking distance from our new home. Living in Arkansas was a big change for us all, but It was a little easier this way, even though our family was still struggling. Harold, my siblings, and I all tried to help our parents out as much as we could and be there to support each other during this difficult time. We all knew that our parents were working and trying to do everything they could. 

Both of our family’s worked harder than they had ever worked before. Harold, my siblings, and I all worked around the house with our moms a lot. We cleaned our rooms everyday and helped with the chores daily. Our dads both worked over twelve hours each day and brought home the money we needed for all of our necessities. Although many stores were closed, my dad had gone grocery shopping every Thursday night. He went to the store that almost everyone was going to because it was one of the few still standing.. I was happier than I ever was before living with my family and my best friend. Although the time was rough for the whole country, we were all there for eachother to keep each other going. As years went on things started to get better and the country was coming back together the way it was before. 

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