Monket | Teen Ink


March 2, 2021
By Anonymous

As the night came to the end the bodies started to pile, giving me the high ground but there were still many more soldiers for me to fight to defend my village I thought I was almost done but then I heard the roar of A beast. My freind orin let out a yelp “ what on god's green earth was that ormisis!” said Orin with a panic struck face. “ I don't know I think it was a dragon," I replied.  “I think we should hide or run away or something” Orin said as he ran off.

We can't run if it is a dragon. It would catch us without any struggle in the slightest. There is only ONe thing that we can do and that is fight. “ Robinson  Orin I need you to gather all the men in the village we need to fight that thing!” they both hesitated but then responded with a nod. I was getting distracted. There was a soldier running right at me with an axe in hand. I jumped the blade of the axe barely missing my legs. Then I struck him on the head with the sword I was using. Splitting his helm in two. Then as the men came from the village All armed with a sword and mail from the smithing shop. THen all the men seemed to turn into a living ghost as we saw the huge red dragon peer its head out of the trees.

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