Guernica | Teen Ink


October 28, 2019
By Pyo_osh BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Pyo_osh BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Why? Why us?  Is life worth living for anymore? Oh why, oh why couldn’t I have been bombed too? I beg of you, oh lord, please end my suffering! Corpses are strewn in every inch of the city. The cries of civilians ring in my ears is never ending. All I see is an ocean of gray, an ocean of hell, the epitome of the downfall of humanity right in front of me. Oh why, oh why us? A little boy calls out to me ,whimpering through breaths. One of his eyes has been gouged out. Almost half of his body has been burned so harshly that I can see his bare bones. I kneel down and gently caress his bleeding head. My tears are the only water which can quench his thirst. My son is dismembered, the love of my life is beheaded, my newborn horse has only its jaw as the surviving part of it. She told me to keep living, to keep thriving, to stop crying, but how? I cough up blood and drop my knees to the ground as the German flag is hoisted. Let my death, let Guernica’s death stamp a mark in history. I smile, with tears in my eyes, as I let out my final breath.

The author's comments:

My writing pursuit for this set-piece is a mix between symbolism and message. I had an idea to find a famous painting and derive the artist’s meaning from it for my set-piece. The thing I like about my set-piece is that it was like taking a dive into the painting "Guernica" by Pablo Picasso and viewing the world through the lens of one of the victims of the bombing.

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