The Nativity Story as Told by a Sheep | Teen Ink

The Nativity Story as Told by a Sheep

December 24, 2018
By AnnaKoeberlein BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
AnnaKoeberlein BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   Dusk was arriving, shining stars became visible in the sky, and all the sheep in the meadow began to settle down for the night. The cool breeze told the sheep that winter was coming. Some of the animals huddled together for warmth. The other animals endured the crispy wind because they were left out to sleep alone. One of those animals that slept alone was none other than Spot, the sheep.

   Earlier that day, Spot, a young, small white sheep with a brown spot by his right ear heard the shepherds that watched over the animals in the meadow discussing a shining, bright star that could guide a specific group of animals and shepherds to a so-called Messiah. This very night, the shepherds will be picking two sheep, a boy and a girl, to follow the star with them.

   Spot knew he wasn’t going to be picked because he had “too many imperfections.” While he may be the wisest of the sheep in the meadow, he knew that Bill, a stupid and handsome sheep would get to follow the beautiful star. The girl sheep that would be picked would have to be Angel, the most gorgeous sheep in the meadow.

   Spot decided it was time to close his eyes, but he couldn’t because Bill’s cronies were cheering him on. Soon, midnight arrived. Bill was picked by the main shepherd, and Angel was picked by the main shepherd’s wife. Well, there you have it, Spot wasn’t going to be picked.

   The sheep and the shepherds started to head off with a few of the strongest donkeys in the meadow to carry them when Joe, the main shepherd’s son, asked to check over the animals one last time. Joe headed over to Spot nonchalantly, and he whispered in Spot’s fluffy ear, “I’m going to take you, too, buddy. I will hide you in this bag.” Joe motioned to a bag that would fit Spot just right. “Please be quiet.” Spot was in awe. Normally, Joe would have nothing to do with Spot. Well, it didn’t matter. Spot was going to meet the Messiah!

   “Are you coming, Joe?” The main shepherd loudly questioned.

   “I’m coming, Father,” responded Joe. By now, Spot was stuffed in the bag, slung over Joe’s shoulder, and remained quiet as Joe paced towards his father. Since the bag was cozy and warm, Spot quickly fell asleep as the outstandingly bright star guided the group towards Bethlehem, where the Messiah was supposed to be.

   After a few days traveling, the group arrived in Bethlehem. The sun was setting, showing off an array of pink, orange, and yellow. The shepherds and their animals continued to follow the star through the town. While there were numerous hotels to stay in, the star was above a stable.

   By the time the group reached the stable, it was midnight. A beautiful woman came and greeted the group, and motioned towards a manger. There, in the manger, with only hay as a cushion, was the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The woman, whose name was Mary, watched over her son. The Messiah’s father, Joseph, stroked his son’s little hair. Spot was filled with awe.

   Mary picked up her newborn baby so Spot and the other animals could see him. One at a time, each animal came up to look at Jesus. When it was Spot’s turn, he got out of the bag he had been in for days. By now, the main shepherd already found out that Spot came along, too. The main shepherd wasn’t mad anymore, so he motioned for Spot to go see Jesus. “Wow, I’m actually going to meet the Messiah,” whispered Spot under his breath.

   Spot slowly walked up to baby Jesus. Once he was right next to the baby, Spot rubbed his soft fur against the baby’s smooth face. The baby started to smile, so Spot rubbed his fur against the baby’s cheeks some more. Spot could hear animal sounds in the background and feel a soft breeze, but all of that was blocked out by the presence of the Messiah. It was very powerful, and Spot felt holier than ever. The baby had soft, brown hair and warm skin.

   Too soon, Spot’s turn with Jesus was up. Luckily, he got to sleep in the stable for the night. Since Bill was one of the first sheep to see the Messiah, he was already ready for the night. Spot could tell that Bill didn't really care for Jesus, but Angel did. Spot settled down a few feet away from Angel, and Angel whispered to Spot, “Isn’t he a cutie?”

   Spot was in so much shock that Angel was actually talking to him, so he just responded in a dreamy voice saying, “Yes, he is.” The sounds of the animals and the wind died down, which helped Spot fall asleep.

   After a good night’s sleep, Spot woke up. He said his sad goodbyes to Jesus. Spot decided he should walk all the way back to the meadow since the little shepherd, Joe, had carried him all the way to the stable. Spot felt very merry after meeting Jesus, and he found the courage to talk to Angel who was walking next to him.

   “Well, uh, how’d you like him?” Spot questioned.

   “Oh, you mean Jesus. Well, he was amazing. I feel more, I don’t know, holy, I guess. Do you know what I mean?” Angel questioned.

   “Yes, I know exactly what you mean,” responded Spot. The two sheep talked about Jesus for hours. It was the most wonderful conversation Spot had ever had.

   Too soon, Spot could see the fence that bordered the meadow. As the group drew near the meadow, Spot noticed that all the animals had their paws or hooves on the large, white fence. Apparently, the animals were anxiously waiting for Angel and Spot to come back. Bill didn’t seem to care, so he didn’t get much of the animals attention. Angel knew the animals wanted to see her and Spot, too, so she walked up right next to Spot for their big appearance.

The author's comments:

 This is the age-old story of Jesus’ birth, but instead of being told by the perspective the Bible authors used, it is told by a sheep named Spot. Follow along on Spot’s journey as he finds himself, meets the prettiest sheep of the herd, and discovers more about faith.

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