Daydream Dance | Teen Ink

Daydream Dance

December 20, 2018
By Zashery01 BRONZE, Rifle, Colorado
Zashery01 BRONZE, Rifle, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Crash” I held my station as the onslaught of waves crashed into our ship. Each wave more powerful and daunting than the last. Wood scraping on metal, waves the size of scrapes attacking our ship. I held my post as screams of anguish sank below the water. My shipmates going overboard left and right. I pleaded to god above to save me… Please… Save me from this endless hell. Save me. I see a tidal wave thrice the size of my ship. I knew this was the end… “CRASH!” I flew off the side falling into the deep and unforgiving. Blissful… I gave up.

The author's comments:

My dad was in the NAVY so I drew inspiration from him..

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