Tango Down | Teen Ink

Tango Down

November 5, 2018
By ajfoltz2019 BRONZE, Hinckley, Ohio
ajfoltz2019 BRONZE, Hinckley, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The date was september 11th 2001, a chilly day in New York City. You could smell the normal smells of vendors on the street and tourists all around. Frank Mcdrip was a software architect in the North Tower of the Twin Towers in New York. He makes a Very good living and he is much of a family man. He has a son Eli Mcdrip who is in training to be a Navy Seal. Everything felt normal, everyone was happy. Of course everyone dreads work  so Frank decided he would grab a coffee to give him a little boost. He was feeling tired and drained yet still happy. Most of the people on his floor had the same or similar job as him. Everyone loved the way he worked most people would even consider him a top dog. Eli had just been assigned to SEAL Team Six about a week ago and had been working very hard and frank was very proud. On this day everything had changed. At about 8:45 am on this day a terrorist hijacked a plane and flew it straight into the North Tower. Instant feeling of devastation and remorse knowing that everyone from that tower could possibly die. A wave of sadness had struck the city. Frank was on the 100th floor. He knew he was dead. He tried to help. He had called his wife telling her what had happened.

“Babe i just want you to know I love you”

“Is everything ok?”

“A plane just flew into the tower and there is no escape for anyone up here we can feel the heat and he flames burning under us”

*tears begin to exchange*

“I can't lose you”

“I can't find a way out”

“Try, god please help him”

Teresa was devastated. She wants to hold him and wish she could just one more time. She then calls Eli.

“Honey did you hear what happened?”

“No mom what up? Is everything okay?”

“No a plane flew into the North tower where your dad is at and he is stuck on the 100th floor”

“Is he going to be okay?”

“Eli, he will probably die”

“NO!!! I haven't seen you guys in months this can't be happening i wish i could just hug him one more time”

Eli had a hard time coping with the loss. Now being a new Navy SEAL he had a chance for vengeance among these men who had committed this terrible attack. All of America was in shock at what had happened. Everyone was sad, depressed emotional. Then Big News hit the mainstream

“Terrorists have claimed the attack to be al-qaeda”

“Osama Bin Laden Claims the attack”

Every news company you could think of had al-qaeda and Osama Bin Laden all over it. Now the U.S. Navy SEALS are assigned to the task of taking down what is now the most feared terrorist. After years and years of intel and sacrifice for the people who lost a loved one that day. All of the sorrow throughout the air. All the changes to society and the way airports, and security overall are run. Eli has pondered about that day for such a long time, just waiting and hoping to understand what had taken his father that day and why. He has his chance at vengeance now. Though Eli knew he would be taking a shot at Osama Bin-Laden rather than sitting with him or arresting him, he still wanted to talk and just try to understand, he never could. The day had come, Operation Neptune Spear is a go. Obama has made the call.

The day comes and the operation is a go most of the people in SEAL Team Six know what needs to be done no matter what the plan. Everyone involved makes a contribution. The day was hot and smelly on the pakistan border. In pakistan it seemed as if devastation struck the city. The mood was low and so were the people there. “Bunch of inconsiderate scums” says Eli Mcdrip. These men had an amount of hatred unmeasured for them. So many of them lost people in the late attacks. Loved ones. They all wanted redemption. The coordinates were sent, the target was located. Breathing was heavy, nerves were built up, so much high emotion in the chopper. A sudden call through the headsets says “Going Ground Now”. The chopper lands and the men disperse out meeting at a rally point. The people within the team all of have different ideas of how this is going to go. Yet they all knew this terrorist was going to die today. They move in on the home of the terrorist and see 12-18 foot cement walls surrounding the building which they had already planned for based off of surveillance. The walls were strong and cold like a cell of an inmate. The men move in on the location, and defeat the walls. Once they are inside of the complex they must check to make sure that all coasts are clear or there is no suspected danger. None seen, coast clear. The men move forward breaching every house to insure security. They are all clear with two building left when a surveillance specialist call through the headset and says “Target in the east building”. They know where he was at. The air is thick, The nerves are rushing, The adrenaline is pumping. The Men call out...

“Here's the plan men, we will walk from his south side to his supposed location and play stealthy to not alert the target, once we reach 5 clicks we will make our move, now remember our only easy day was yesterday, we have another challenge to take down the threat that keeps our families awake at night, think about the people at home who are praying your safe and alive just so that they can stay safe and alive, we are called SEAL TEAM for a reason, because alone we are lethal, together we dominate. “

“I feel like they are coming” says Osama.

“We are 30 clicks south of the tango moving in”



“5 clicks, going stealth”

“I would never know if they came” Osama Ponders

“I hear movement”

“Target inside”

“Breach callout ready, soldiers, ready?”

“Ready” They say collectively.

“Breach commencing”

*Deep Breathes*

Gun shots ring out across the pakistan desert as one man who caused the world so much pain tries to plead and survive.

“Tango Down”

“Kill confirmed, we got him” as a wave of relief strikes the men who have taken down the world's most wanted person.

“Osama Bin Laden is dead”

“Great job team we have taken down the most feared terrorist in the world”

Eli Mcdrip felt as if he owed something to his dad, a hard working man, a loving father, and a man with a legacy. Eli feels sort of like he avenged his father. He will never get his father back or the countless memories and though he know that death happens and is inevitable he still wishes for just once more that he could hug him and tell him he loved him.

The author's comments:

This was a class project i thought was worth the read

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