Once More Prologue | Teen Ink

Once More Prologue

July 17, 2018
By Finngiant GOLD, Tempe, Arizona
Finngiant GOLD, Tempe, Arizona
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't bother arguing with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Some people believe that life is a one-time thing. That once you've dealt with it all, that's it. Yet others think that you continue on, onto something other than mortal life. An afterlife.

Different religions have various beliefs of what this afterlife is like. Paradise. Eternal pain. As well, others, primarily Hindu and Buddhists believe that life never truly ends and that once someone's time is up, that they come back, as something else. These groups say that you are resurrected as another organism.

This, to some, is a frightening concept, depending on whether or not you have your own memories from your last life. To others, it is a good thing. A chance for those that are unfortunate to start again. Sadly, for those with negative karma, most of the time the quality of your second life depends on said karma.

Which is what made the story of Silus Milonius so very, very strange.

The author's comments:

I don't know if I'll do anything with this one. 

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