Best Friends Not Forever | Teen Ink

Best Friends Not Forever

January 30, 2017
By Gamerbree BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
Gamerbree BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 She was my best friend, or at least I thought she was.  I remember it like it was yesterday, Me and a random girl on X Factor trying to get to our dreams of being famous super stars, and even becoming great friends.  Yelling, not talking to one another and making death glares as we would walk past each other.  She was nice, caring and my best friend.  Her name is Camila Cabello.

    Camila was my one and only best friend that i could have ever had, but I guess it didn’t last long.  It all started when we were on our tour bus, making our way the New York City(also known as NYC).  We were sitting next to each other, laughing and telling each other jokes which was making the bus driver really irritated.
“What do you call a pile of cats….a meowtain!” Camila said as she and myself was dying laughing on the tour bus floor unable to talk for a short while.
“O...M...G!!”  I said as I was still laughing trying to catch my breath.
“Hey!  Not to be rude or anything, but could you two shut the hell up or keep it down in there, I’m trying to focus on driving here so that we won’t crash into anything.  Besides, you two have to be on stage by 3:00 p.m. and it’s already 2:30 p.m., so we don’t have that much time left!  So please, I’m begging you, can you please keep the noise down for me, and mostly you guys?” the bus driver said who is our most favorite bus driver/friends in the world.  Oh! And his name is Alexander, but we call him Alex for short.
“Yea sure Mr. Alex, sorry if we were making too much noise, we both promise that it won’t happen again.” Camila said as Alex gave her a annoyed face.
“Hey! I told you not to call me that!” Alex said as he had a little smirk on his face.

Chapter 2
  “Aw!    After the long bus ride, we finally made it to New York City, just in time for our live radio interview with the one and only Jerry Stewert.
“Hello and welcome back to Z100 New York’s #1 music station!  Today we have two very special guests here!  You may know,not know,love,or even hate them….please welcome….Normani Hamilton and Camila Cabello!”  Jerry said as me and Camila walked in the radio room and sat down as we got ready for our interview.
“Thx for having us today Jerry!”  Camila said with a big grin on her face.
“So I hear that you guys are performing a new song you guys have been working on!?”  Jerry asked with excitement.
“Yes we have!  We have been working on it for awhile now!”  Camila said.
“Yea, it’s called “Boss.”  We will be performing it here in Time Square!”  I said.
“Oh wow!  I’m sure that all of us will be there!  Anyway Camila, me and my crew have heard the song and you sounded so great!”  Jerry said.
Why thank you! I do have to say, I do sing better than anyone!”  Camila said as she flicked her long hair.  At that moment, I felt something in me…..jealousy and anger.
“Um….What about me?”  I said with a kinda confident tone.
“You sing good I guess…” Camila said.
“Oh!  So  I just sing good to you?  Well, you sing terrible!”  I said as my voice got loud.
“Um...well everyone,we will be right back after this short break”  Jerry said in a awkward tone as he turned the radio off.
“You're just mad because it’s true!”Camila said with a mad tone
“I’m not mad, I just wonder why you're a complete b****!” I said as I was sweating from yelling.
“Shut up Normani!!!!” Camila yelled as she got louder.
“You know what! F*** you, you little mexican b****!” I yelled.  I was so mad, my body was so hot with anger!  Before I knew it, I stormed out of there like there was no tomorrow.

Chapter 3
    A few days after the encounter with Camila, It was time for our big performance, which was going to be difficult for me and Camila.  Because ever since we have our big fight, we haven't been speaking to each other.  So I hope that Camila would stop being a ass and get herself together.
“Welcome everyone to the biggest performance in the world!  I am D.J Khaled and I am your host!” Khaled said as he was pumping up the crowd.
“Today, we have a special performance from two famous stars who went from two normal girls to super singing stars, please welcome...Normani Hamilton and Camila Cabello!” Khaled said as the crowd was cheering and yelling our names.  We started the performance with dancing, rapping and freestyling.
Everyone was having such a great time and everything was perfect....that is untill while I was dancing, I felt someone or something push me, causing me to fall off stage.
“Omg! Is she okay!?” One of the fans asked.
“Quick! Someone call 911, Hurry!” I heard someone say before I fell into deep unconsciousness.

Chapter 4
    “Beep…..Beep…..Beep…..,” As I woke slowly up, the first thing that I noticed is that I wasnt on stage anymore, I was at some kind of hospital.
“Ow...My head is killing me!” I said as I lifted myself up.  Just when I was about to say something else, someone came rushing into my room in a flash.
“Omg! Normani! Are you okay!!??  I’m so sorry I did that!” I heard someone come in my room and  say.  When I yurn to see who it was, It was nobody else but...Camila.
“Leave me alone Camila….Why are you here?  Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage to me already?”  I asked.
“Look….Normani, I know what I did was wrong of me and I’m sorry...I guess I have to focus on what I say and do….besides your my best friend…” Camila said in a soft voice.  But before I could deny her apology, she did something that I never would do….she started to cry….big salty tears stared to drop down on her cheeks as if she saw a ghost or had a nightmare.
“Camila….” was the only thing I said before I got up and tightly hugged her like she was my toy.
“....Shhh….It’s okay Camila….I forgive you….don’t cry….” I said as we stood there to what it seemed like hours.

Chapter 5
    After I forgave Camila for what she has done to me, me and Camila were back together again, where we were meant to be.  I actually had to talk to Camila about why she did all of those awful things to me, she said that she lost her grandma a few days ago and I guess she was depressed and sad at the time.  But she then said that she didn't mean for her to put all of her sadness and depression on me like that.  Of course at the end, I forgave her because I know what she had to go through, so I understood.  Me and Camila may have our ups and downs, but like they always say, “A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find, but lucky to have” and that is what Camila was to me.  She is my four leaf clover….and my best friend….Forever!  

The author's comments:

Warning:This book is just a fan fiction, so please do not take this too seriously because I did this for fans like me who loves Normani and Camila in fifth harmony and just the whole group itself. Also this book will have some mature language and a little bit of racial slurs, so plz don't take it too personally. But anyway, I hope you enjoy this book! Now enough talking, let the story begin!

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