Excerpt from X-Men: Runaways | Teen Ink

Excerpt from X-Men: Runaways

January 19, 2017
By Prof_T_Entee BRONZE, Colchester, Vermont
Prof_T_Entee BRONZE, Colchester, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Josh looked at the side of the road at the two people sticking their thumbs out.  One was a man apparently in his 40s, wearing jeans, a white sleevless shirt, and a brown leather jacket.  He had a gruff look about him with his grizzly face and messy hair.  The other was a younger girl of about 14 or so.  She had a few of the man’s facial features, possibly she was his daughter.  She had dyed purple hair and was wearing clothes similar to her father.
Josh pulled over alongside them.  “Hop in.”
“Thanks,” said the man, opening the back door and letting his daughter get in first before getting in himself.  Once they both were buckled up, Josh resumed his drive.
“What are your names?” Josh asked.
“I’m Logan,” replied the man, “And this is my daughter Cana.”
“Nice to meet you, little lady.”
Cana didn’t answer and nuzzled into her father’s shoulder.
“She usually this quiet?” asked Josh.
“We’ve had a... rough couple of days,” replied Logan.
“Oh?  What are ya doing all the way out here?”
Josh looked back at Logan briefly.  “From what?”
Logan didn’t answer, responding only with a small glare.
“Sorry,” said Josh, turning his attention back to the road.  “Don’t mean to pry.”
“It’s alright,” said Logan.  “We’re all naturally curious.”
As they drove, the radio played a news bulletin.  “...It has been several days since the government raid on Xavier’s School for Gifted Youth, the home and school for young mutants and home base of the X-Men.  Several students and some X-Men are currently in custody following the passing of the revised Mutant Registration Act...”
“Can ya shut that off?” asked Logan.
Josh turned the radio off.  “Something wrong?”
“No, it’s just... It’s really awful that the government raided that school.  There are children there.  They’re not threats, just children.”
Josh nodded in understanding.  “Yeah, I know.  All this ‘mutant threat’ this and ‘mutant rights’ that... Christ, it’s the holocaust all over again.”
Logan nodded.
“You know,” Josh continued, “My daughter was a mutant.  I sent her to that school after she asked me again and again.  I hope she’s okay...”
Logan looked up at him.  “What’s her name?”
“Debbie.  She’s 13.”
Logan reached up and put a hand on Josh’s shoulder.  “She’s fine.  She got out safely.”
Josh looked back at him.  “How do you know that?”

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