The Real Story of a Hero's Death | Teen Ink

The Real Story of a Hero's Death

January 27, 2017
By Anonymous

May 28th was a chilling day in the Cincinnati Zoo gorilla enclosure. Harambe , a male silverback gorilla, was shot dead after a three year old child fell into the exhibit.  The mother of the child did not face charges for the incident, and was not held accountable for the death of the 17 year old gorilla.
Harambe was known around the zoo as a hardworking individual who cared dearly about his two female silverback companions. Just days after his death it was discovered that both females were pregnant with Harambe’s children.
It has been reported that someone had hired the mother to allow her son into the exhibit knowing it would result in the death of Harambe. Animal rights groups across the world are pushing for the mother to be sentenced to death after the loss of America’s favorite Gorilla. “ I did it for the money” said the mother in an exclusive interview with the National Enquirer.
“The child appeared out of nowhere… it looked as if Harambe was protecting him” said an unnamed eyewitness who was present that grim afternoon. Many of the people that were attending the Cincinnati Zoo on May 28th recall a much different sequence of events than the ones shown on video. The video shows a child falling in the exhibit and a gorilla dragging it around its habitat like a toy; however, the attendees that watched the events unfold describe Harambe as being protective and calm.
At the end of it all, it seems as though the conspirators have gotten away with murder. A hero has been killed for no reason and no justice will be served. The mother of the child will walk away untouched while Harambe rests six feet under. God bless Harambe, his gorilla wives, and his gorilla children. You will always be in our hearts.

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