Mission Crodia | Teen Ink

Mission Crodia

October 25, 2016
By rosshutton21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
rosshutton21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

0600 Hours Rebel Base Plant Natooine. Sand is everywhere.
     “The imperials have pushed us back into the far reaches of the outer rim,” Commander Bay paused. “We need more intel on the imperials, and anything they are considering throwing our way.” “We are sending a strike team to plant Crodia, any volunteers?”
Immediately Daren Fox’s ears perked up. He was a big dude. Six foot-eight inches and two hundred and twenty pounds. His family was from Crodia, and the empire had taken everything away from him. So of course he wanted to get out there and get some revenge. His family narrowly escaped because they were suspected to be working with the rebel alliance. His family were the only ones to escape, out of their fifteen family village. They then went on to join the rebel alliance. The alliance was on the planet Natooine, and it was covered in sand. If there was ever high winds, you better hope you have a solid home. Water had to be dug down at least a half kilometer just to get the dirty stuff. Then it had to boiled and that would became evident as soon as they moved here.
“I got this one commander,” Daren said.
“Count me in,” said his long time buddy Ezra Rider. Ezra was born into the alliance, so he knew the ropes pretty well. He had lots determination in him, and he was pretty light on his feet. He would serve as a good leader during this mission. Ezra was about five foot- eight inches and only one hundred and fifty pounds, but he was a very good at smooth talking. He had been through six rebel bases escaping soundly each time because of how young he was, and the women and the children were evacuated first.
“Great, we need one more volunteer, said Commander Bay. Daren hears the sound of a wookie, and he knows this is going to be a great mission. The worket’s name is Hornbeck and he is a great warrior. Hornbeck was adopted by the rebel alliance after being a slave to the empire. He finally had nourishment and a way to fight.
“Sounds good, you three meet me over here at the debrief table. Our heroes then walked over to the table.“Ok you three brave men, we have reason to believe that the empire is coming with something big. Very big. Intel from the outer rim tells us that the empire is redesigning their Heavy Cannon Attack Machines (H-CAM) with more firepower, maybe turbo lasers?  We need you to get some high quality intel,  plans and get out as quick as possible. Got it? Ok, now to the fun stuff. We purchased some jamming devices off some dealers in the black market. These should help you get into the planet unnoticed. Now to the weapons for Ezra, here is a heat sensing pistol, nobody can hide from this thing. For Hornbeck, we picked up something a little special, a wookie bowcaster. For Daren, a sturdy blaster that doesn’t make a sound, might come in handy. Now go on and do your mission; the ship that you need is in Bay Four. May the force be with you.”
“You excited Daren? You might finally get a little bit of revenge, eh,” Ezra said.
“Yah, I guess, I just hope we get out alive,” I gotta admit I am feeling kind of nervous.” The team got into their good old shuttle and took off. The atmosphere among the three was very tense. Even confident Ezra seemed to be nervous. They got out of the planet's orbit and jumped into hyperspace, ready for the mission.
“Hey Ezra, I heard that Captain Tyson is on the job, and you know what I heard he has a bionic arm.”
“I heard that to. He is a freak.” Ezra responded.
The planet Crodia was covered in molten rock and ashes. It had very unstable fault lines, and if they were triggered they could cause massive destruction. The empire had somehow figured out how to build a structure on here. The ship jumped out of hyperspace and right away they were faced with their first squad of troopers. These were just your run-of-the-mill troopers guarding the landing bay.  “Hey Hornbeck and Ezra, look alive.” Daren said quickly. A whole squad of troopers came in with their safeties off. These troopers were probably backups when another trooper sent a distress signal.  In what felt like less than a second the whole squad was downed by the three rebels. Right away the rebels had shown that they were a force to be reckoned with, and an even bigger one if this trend continued.
“Hey, Daren you hear that,” says Hornbeck.
“Yah I do.”
“Eh Ezra that gun might help now,”said Hornbeck.
“Yep we got troopers coming down, get ready.” Those trooper came. They came fast, but the rebels were quicker. It was like in the blink of an eye they were all down. Without telling anyone beforehand, Hornbeck had a charge in his belt. He dropped on the ground just as the stormtroopers were coming around the corner. When the next squad came around they were stunned by the charge. This diversion gave the rebels time to climb into the air ducts. The imperials do not cheap out. When the three heroes came into the ducts it was wide enough to where they could crawl pretty handily. The rebels climbed through the duct to where the plans were. Daren had a surprise too. He had a map to where the plans were, so he just dropped right in on them. Minus one problem. There was fan that was circulating the air and it was basically sucking them into it. In less than a second Ezra kicked down the grate and they all jumped in. Hornbeck downed the two guards quickly and carefully, he is pretty agile for a big worket Daren thought. Hornbeck also had some proximity bombs in his belt and he quickly took to work at assembling the bombs. Hornbeck was going to give them some quick cover with this solution. While he was doing that, Daren and Ezra took to work at trying to get the plans out of the imperial database. Suddenly, the three fighters heard the thud of metal and the sound of a menacing voice. Their worst fear had come true. It was Captain Tyson. Tyson had probably seen them from the control center of the ship over surveillance  Just then Daren had the thought that they had blocked themselves out of escaping from the room.
“Look guys, we blocked ourselves out,” Daren yelled in frustration. Just then Captain Tyson saw them in the hall, just as Ezra had the plans out of the database and onto a hard drive.
“Soldiers, destroy them,” barked Captain Tyson. The quick-witted Daren pulled out a laser- cutter and went to work at cutting a hole in the wall. Commander Tyson reeled at them with his bionic arm, and howled in pain as Hornbeck shot him in the same arm.
“Guys I got a hole we gotta go,” Daren said gleefully. The soldier just realized Hornbeck’s surprise as they were blown to bits. Hornbeck made it to the ship and got it going just as his comrades jumped in. Daren quickly radioed in to Commander Bay telling him to give them a hole in that imperial blockade. Just then a whole load of rebel ships just jumped out of hyperspace, and started engaging with the imperial star ship.
“Good work you three, now get back here as soon as possible,” Commander Bay’s word echoed throughout.
“Were heading home boys,” said Daren as he gave his two friends a slap on the back. When the three got back home, they were honored with medals. The intel that they recovered shows that these new walkers were not walkers, but runners, sprinters. Now the rebels actually have a fighting chance. For now the three rebels are still friends and they are gearing up for their next mission.

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