Saving The Unexpected | Teen Ink

Saving The Unexpected

June 6, 2016
By halbear21 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
halbear21 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Addison Morrison
3 year old little girl. Has no parents. Also goes by Addy.
Marie Morrison
Addison’s mother.
Tyler Morrison
Addison’s father. Addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Harry Styles
A curly haired 22 year old. Easy going and spirited.
Louis Tomlinson
A 25 year old man who is very witty. Loves fun and games.

Setting: It is spring of 2014, London. It is a time for new beginnings and disappointments. As the curtain goes up we are met with the scene of a living room and kitchen. There is a green couch SR with a rug underneath of it and SL is the kitchen with a wooden table flipped over and broken dishes and food on the floor.

Time: Spring 2014.

Scene 1

Mumma? Why we hiding?
(she whispers while crouching behind the couch with her mum. Her mother shushes her and hold her close to her chest.)
Sounds of things being thrown and breaking can be heard from the kitchen.
Baby, I have to go out. I love you so much, Addy.
(Kisses her forehead. Crawls out from behind the couch but then turns back to Addy)
Call 9-1-1, ok?
( nods)
I wuv you, mumma.
(blows kiss to Marie)
(Catches the kiss and places it on her heart. Has a couple tears on her cheeks)

10 seconds of silence pass  on the stage and then a loud scream is heard and a loud ‘boom’ sound and then it was back to silence.

(Dials 9-1-1 on the grown up phone carefully)
“This is 9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
I Addy.  My mummy told me to call you. My daddy break stuff and hit mummy but then mummy weft and I heard a big boom sound.
Ok, Addy, sweetie. I need you to be really quiet and stay on the phone with me. Can you do that?
I do dat.
(whispers into the phone)
(yells angrily)
(flinches at the sound of his gruff voice)
Daddy gunna find me.
(whimpers into the phone)
People are coming to help you, ok Addy?
(explains soothingly)
(nods too young to understand that she can’t see it. Tears fall down her cheeks.)
I wan my mummy.
(cries, hoping that she will come.)

After a while, there is a sound at the front door (center stage) being slammed open. Addy has drifted off to sleep and the people who have come to save her are not able to find her because of her small size and not knowing where she was hiding.  When she awakes, there is a single spotlight on her.

(Toddles all around the stage trying to find her. Drops onto knees SL and cries with head in hands.)
Mummy! I wuv you. Pw-pwease come back.
(Wipes tears off with shirt and walks  to her room that is now SR and reaches into her crib to grab her stuffed puppy Bella)
Bewwa, mummy weft me and I-I hungwy.
(lip quivers and sobs into Bella)
Maybe mummy is outside!
(tiptoes to the door and opens it, walks out. Curtains close behind her and spotlight shines on her. Addy toddles around the road until her toddler instincts kick in and breaks down on the stage crying)
My-mummy! Why weve me?
(Holds Bella close to face for comfort)
Harrrryyyyy, give me thatttt.
(whines. Enters SL trying to grab a piece of candy from Harry’s hand.)
(stops walking, middle of stage, faces Louis and gives him a smug look)
I’m sorry… what did you say?
(dangles the piece of candy in front of him)
Give me the candy!!!
(pouts like a young child)
(opens the piece of candy)
I don’t know, I really like this kind of candy Louis. I think I might just…
(Plops the piece of candy in his mouth)
(Standing 10 feet away from Harry, frozen, with his mouth hanging open.)
(Peeks at Harry and Louis from behind Bella and giggles.)

End Scene

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