Betrayal | Teen Ink


December 15, 2015
By scarletfire SILVER, Demotte, Indiana
scarletfire SILVER, Demotte, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A star zoomed across the sky as the two teens watched. “Make a wish Amir” the girl said softly. He nodded before his eyes slipped shut and he made his silent wish. The girl smiled before a lamp appeared next to him. He grabbed it slowly for her not to notice. He smiled.
“Layla, I love you so much.” He pulled out an old golden wrist cuff. “I want you to have this.”  he said before she smiled a hand raising to her mouth.
“Amir it’s beautiful.” she smiled before it slipped on, it resized to the size of her wrist. “What’s going on.” She asked panicking as another appeared on her other wrist. Amir smirked.
“Welcome Layla to eternal slavery.” he smirked moving the lamp causing smoke to incase Layla.
“No, Amir I thought you loved me.” she cried before the smoke slipped into the lamp carrying her with it.
“I did, but I have what I’ve been waiting for my whole life for….I mean true love really is a great weapon.” he smirked before he tied the lamp to his hip. “Now your mine forever Layla.”
This is the origin story of the first Genie.

The author's comments:

We had to right somethng spooky

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