The Day of the Living Corpses | Teen Ink

The Day of the Living Corpses

June 2, 2015
By Fangirl10thDoctor BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
Fangirl10thDoctor BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Really is that so?” said My Mother to my little brother sounding like she was about to send him to his room for a year but looking at him with so much skepticality that she might just have a fit. 

“I really didn’t know.” Earlier this week Ben had found what he thought to be a toy rocket ship, or so that’s what he said, but it was really one of our dads old matchbox and small fireworks holder that had small compartments for each and after dad died mom couldn’t bring herself to throw anything of his away even though she knew it was a terrible idea to have things like that around us. Ben found it and one thing came to another and our shed was half burnt down and the other half lying on it’s side with red paint peeling off.

“Then why is i-” She was cut off by a very strange wheezing noise that sounded as if it came from the den.

When the noise stopped a door opened and closed, it sounded to smooth and not squeaky at all like all the doors of our house. Then came foot steps, I couldn’t quite pin how many pairs there were but it was definitely more that one.

“Why is it I can never get to Barcelona?” Came a very disappointed voice not directed at anyone. The voice was strange just like everything else at the moment but I couldn’t quite tell what it was then i realized it was distinctly a British voice. Why is there a British man in my house with who knows how many other people.

And then my mind rushed to my family. How were they reacting to this. I turn to see my mother looking just as upset as before but also a little frightened and Ben hiding under the kitchen table as if no one would possibly see him under there.

Then I find myself walking towards all the noise because my father always told me that I was very brave and i felt obligated to fight the urge to stick myself right beside Ben.

I try to stick my head through the doorway just enough to where I can barely see three people, two men, one who seemed almost childishly giddy and the other one who looked to be as upset as my Mother was to my brother, and a redheaded girl who was smiling but not quite giddy like the man.

“Oh no what now Doctor.” Said the girl who seemed to be Scottish from her accent.

“Oh you know just the Doctor finding another way to get us in trouble.” Said the man, who was also British, answering for who seemed to be the doctor.

“Amy, Rory, it’s nothing just the TARDIS getting Barcelona and what seems to be this 21st century house mixed u-” Cutting himself off because he noticed me. “Oh hello I’m the Doctor, this is Amy and Rory and The TARDIS” Gesturing to the two other people and a 4 by 4 blue box that seemed to be about 8 foot tall and had opened doors where they had apparently come out of but I couldn’t see inside.

How in the world did three adults fit in that box and then end up in my den, and why were they calling it a Tardis?  I wasn’t scared though because the man's voice was so nice and warm and talked so fast I didn’t think there was any possibility that he would hurt me. So I walked in and from where I was I saw the inside of the blue box, I wasn’t quite sure I could call it a box anymore because on the inside it was huge. I completely forgot anyone else was in the room and I ran up to the...Tardis and circled around it it a few times and all I saw was a 4 foot square but i looked inside and it was huge.

“It’s big-”

“It’s smaller on the outside!?!” This time I was the one who cut him off, not realizing he was even talking in the first place.

“Well that isn’t quite what I was going to say but that works too.”

“what is the world is going on.” My mom was now at the door with Ben hiding behind her.

“oh, yes, well hello there I’m the Doctor, me and friends have gotten a bit lost we were on our way to Barcelona, as in the planet Barcelona, would you happen to know how we could get there from here?” My mom now looked as if she might just faint from the absurdity of all of this.

“How did you even get in my house!” Now she was yelling which you could tell made the Doctor very uncomfortable.

“Um well this is my TARDIS, it’s what made that noise you must have heard a minute ago, it stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, and it’s is a time machine. I can fly anywhere in time and space and I was trying to get to Barcelona and might I ask where I am right now... and when.” He asked. He genuinely didn’t know where he was.

Thump. And there it was my moms head hitting the corner of the couch with her long brown hair covering her face. Ben now standing there with a look of terror on his face and before I know it the Doctor is standing over my mom with some sort of green laser pointed towards her head that was making an even stranger noise then The Tardis made. It sounded like the whirring of a blender but way more high pitched. Once he was done a few seconds later he held it up in the air and flicked his wrist studying the laser as if it held a very important message.

“Uuuh, what are you doing?” Ben said from in the doorway

“I’m seeing if she was hurt badly and from what I can tell she wasn’t hurt at all.”

“So you are a Doctor, a real medical Doctor?.” I had thought he was just strange and liked the name.

“Ummm not really but that’s not important.” And now I go back to my original thoughts about him being strange.

“Then What is important?”

“Your mother she fainted.”

“Yes I can see that.”

“Well It wasn’t a normal faint.”

“What do you mean It wasn’t a normal faint?”

“when you faint it is caused by a vasovagal attack and that happens when your blood pressure drops reducing circulation to the brain causing loss of consciousness and that isn’t what happened to your mother.”

“What do you mean?” I said barely able to choke the words out worried for my mom.

And when the last word came out of my mouth he ran towards the door. Then I looked at the other two and they were following him so I decided that was what I was going to do. Once I got out the door I stopped in my tracks. There were people all over the place but they were unconscious like my mom, not all of them but a good 1/4 of people I saw were lying on the ground like they were dead.

The Doctor was in the middle of the street looking around inspecting people saying “Same, all, the same? Why all the same?” Over and over while other people were breaking down crying beside their loved ones. I was about to start freaking out when the Doctor ran up to me and asked what my name was.

“Lena, Why is it important?” I asked back.

“It’s not I just felt it might make you calm down.”

“Wow, thanks a lot for that.” putting as much sarcasm in my words as possible.

“Fancy a trip in the TARDIS?” He asked

“Doctor do you really think it’s the best time for that?” asked Rory

“Be quiet Pond.” The Doctor said back.

“How many times do I have to tell you, When Amy married me I didn’t get her last name she got my last name. I am Rory Williams, she is Amy Williams.”

“Just shut up Rory.” Then the Doctor turned towards me and said “Well?”

“Well what?”

“Well would you like to take a ride in the TARDIS?”

“Ummm, sorry think I’m going to have to take a rain-check on that with all that’s happening and all.”

“No, that's not what I mean I have to get something so I can fix this. We could take you mother with us if that would make you feel better?” It was now that I noticed that he didn’t seem as childish as he was in the beginning, he was now as serious as could be and that was the reason I trusted that he would get us out of this mess.

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