Maze Runner | Teen Ink

Maze Runner

February 6, 2015
By Bryson Patao BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Bryson Patao BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the beginning of the story Thomas starts off in a elevator that brings up 1 person each 1 month. When Thomas reaches the top a bunch of huddle around, Gally jumps in and grabs Thomas by his shirt and throws him up out of the elevator. When Thomas gets up he immediately starts running away from the group. Thomas then falls and looks up and has a scared face on because he didn’t know he was trapped in a box that had a maze to get out of there. When the night falls the maze door starts to move and scares Thomas a bit since he didn’t know that the maze would do that. One morning he saw Alby and Minho run into the maze with a runner suit on. When Thomas woke up he asked Newt why Alby went with Minho into the maze. When it was about to night time everybody waited at the maze door to see if they would return. When the doors were about to close they saw Minho dragging Alby because he got stung by a Griever. Thomas wanted to save both of them so Thomas ran into the maze and the doors almost shut on him but he made it out safe. I think the movie was better because there is more action and you can really imagine the story and how the maze really looks like. I also picked the movie because I really got to see how the characters look like and what they had to do in the maze.

The changes I would of made would be that they should of put Thomas leader when he killed one of the Grievers because nobody in 3 years had ever killed on of them since they were all scared and they were all defenseless. Another change would be that Alby hadn’t have gone into the maze because he was the first person to be there in the box alone and he had to wait 1 month to get another person. I think these 2 changes would make the box more better because the book you can’† imagine the story like the movie you can see and also imagine what will happen. But the part that I didn’t like about the movie is that Alby got taken away by one of the Grieve because he saved Chuck and he was too late to move so the Griever took him.

My opinion on the movie is that it had a lot of action when he first was in the maze and when 3 new maze doors opened and the Grievers came in and raided their base. The most action part is when they opened a new section called Number 7. My other opinion is that some parts was worried because in the beginning and I wanted to know how he got into the elevator and what he had to go through to get into the elevator and what they did to him.

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