Parents Allow Kids To Play Games Involving Prostitution | Teen Ink

Parents Allow Kids To Play Games Involving Prostitution

June 2, 2014
By Andrew Frett BRONZE, Bronx Ny, New York
Andrew Frett BRONZE, Bronx Ny, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

May 23rd 2014
Parents Allow Kids To Play Games Involving Prostitution

The violence continues in the streets of America. As parents choose to blame everyone but themselves. So they put the blame on something that America’s youth is into, like video games. Parents are not often aware of what their kids are exposed to daily. However the most parents that blame video games for violence acts had kids that played a video game atleast once.

According to “every 9/10 parents swear infront of their kids. ”In a recent survey in a poll of 3,000 eleven year old 4 out of 5 swear at an early age. Parents are willing to video games for their children cursing when they curse in front at them out of anger daily. Everyplace in the world has a violent background so children will often be exposed to murder and deaths early in their lives.

Parents are saying if a child were to sit down and play a videogame they will be influenced by it and likely to commit murder. So if a child were to play a video game like mario they’ll go outside kicking turtles and eating flowers ? This is extremely insane and a bit over the edge on how parents judge video games. This is a perfect example of how parents will blame anyone/anything but themselves Video Games do promote good in many ways.

Video Games do teach good things about society issues. Many people spend their lives playing video games and became successful from it. 50 cent for example ,was playing a game called Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 made by a popular company known as Infinity Ward, thats how he survived the 9 bullets that pierced into his skin. President Barack Obama played a game called Battlefield 3 and thats how he was able to assassinate Anwar Al Awlaki and his sixteen year old son.

The author's comments:
This Is A Satirical Article. Made To Stop The Criticsm Against Video Games.

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