The Shot | Teen Ink

The Shot

October 22, 2013
By JLiv13 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
JLiv13 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The ball drains through the net, as the jaws of the other team drop in disbelief. The clock hits seven seconds, as they hear the obnoxiously familiar voice. “Timeout! Timeout!” the coach hollers, at the top of his lungs.

As the team gathers around in the huddle, Alex can hear his throbbing heart beat louder than his coach’s words. His team is down by two, and in need of a key shot to take the game into overtime, or better, to win. He is able to hear his coach ask, “Who wants to take the shot”? Without thinking Alex shoots his hand up into the air and volunteers. Alex’s face drops, as he questions his fierce decision. His arms timidly begin to shake. The coach appreciates Alex’s courage, and draws up the play for him. He then brings the team in together, and remarks, “I believe in you guys! There is nobody out there who can stop you!”

The ref than blows the whistle after what felt like an eternity. The ball is under the basket, a mere 90 feet stood between the ball and the opposing basket. Alex knew what he had to do, but his stomach was full of butterflies. He wasn’t quite sure of the situation. He felt like his mind left his body. The opposing team was in a tight full court press. Alex comes off of a screen, and becomes wide open. The crowd is roaring but completely silent in Alex’s mind.

His nerves are starting to relax as he thinks, “I’m only 14 whats the worst that can happen? It’s just a game. I am just going to do my best.” The ball is inbounded to Alex, and he throws it down court to a teammate. He hears the coach counting down, “seven, six,” He is abruptly making his way to the ball. With a quick flash, then a cut, he receives the ball at the three point line. For the last time hears his coach, “three ,two.” Without thinking he releases his shot from the top of the arch. The crowd goes completely silent, not a single noise. His teammates rotate their heads as the ball soars through the air slowly, like an eagle. It bounces on the rim once, then again, then sinks right through the basket. The swoooooooshhh the ball made ripples through the crowd. The place goes nuts!

He did it! Alex won the game for his team! They were state champions! The fans are screaming in awe of what they just witnessed! Alex hit the game-winning shot!

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