The Missing Glasses | Teen Ink

The Missing Glasses

April 29, 2013
By Anonymous

One day on a majestic, rainbow painted path there were a Grandma Elephant, named Gurt, and a Granddaughter Elephant named Ellie. Gurt told Ellie to look for her glasses she had lost the past week. Ellie was so excited to look for something because her grandmother would take her out for peanut butter ice cream after she had found them, as a reward. While searching under bushes and around trees Ellie had gotten tired of looking, then she saw two little panda bears walking down the rainbow forest. “Hey, who are you?” hollered Ellie from the other side of the path. “We’re the Emerson twins Shawn and Stephanie, we live right by the old Peanut Gallery.” they replied in an excited tone. Ellie had never heard of a peanut gallery around her before, but she assumed she just had never been to that part of the forest so she continued, “Would you like to help me find my grandmothers glasses? They are square farmed with brown bordering.” Taking advantage of the little panda bears. “Oh yes! That sounds delightful!” shouted the Emerson’s.

After hours of searching no one could find them, but suddenly out of nowhere comes this scream “Ahhhhhhhhhh HELP!” Ellie and the Emerson twins ran to the rescue, they had found a kitten caught in a rope. “Thank you, thank you, how can I ever repay you,” Shyly asked the little Kitten? “It’s no big deal” replied the three. “What is your name?” asked Ellie. “My name is Anna Rose,” quietly said the kitten.

Heading back to the forest path the four of them giggled and joked, suddenly it was getting dark, they all agreed they would stay on the path and sleep till morning since it would be too dangerous to walk all the way home from where they were. When the sun arose so did the kids. That morning they had been well rested and ready to look for those glasses Gurt had misplaced. Since they had been looking all day they had stopped at a nearby river that ran the opposite direction of Ellie’s town. They jumped in the river and played around for a while getting cooled by the glistening fresh water that surrounded them.

Since they all had been looking for Gurt’s glasses for a whole day and a half now, they decided they couldn’t have gotten as far as they had gone, so they went to return home. On their journey back home they had to stay another night on the rainbow path. Finally, Ellie had returned home and had told her grandmother she could not find the glasses even with the help of her new friends she had met along the bridge and from the peanut Gallery. Her grandmother was confused and told her that there is no bridge in the forest and there is no Peanut Gallery for hundreds of miles. Ellie as confused as ever was thinking to herself, did I really go alone, in the woods, by myself? She had never done anything by herself before she had always been too scared, but with her imagination she could do anything that she put her mind to.

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