The Band Obsesion | Teen Ink

The Band Obsesion

January 17, 2013
By WSBob BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
WSBob BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Devin Was a floweriest. he was running a store called Avenged Seven Flower shop. Each pot holding the flowers had one or mabe even all of the band mates portrait painted on the vases. Devin would only sell flowers to people who liked heavy metal. instead of playing cheap summer music he would play nothing but Avenged SevenFold. One day a labradoodle Brock into the shop and stole a pure gold pot. When Devin got to his shop to open up. He found a slimy trail leading away. "hm" Devin thought to himself. He then unlocked the door to notice his twenty four carrot gold pot had been stolen. Ding went the shop door. "yes how may I help you?" said Devin. "We saw your sign outside" said Avenged SevenFolds band mates. "Ow my. I could sell to you, but my pure gold pot was stolen." "
OK just look on the Internet for an animal that leaves a slimy trail. "Ha ha look here it says that labradoodles leave slimy trails.""There is only one in town ,and its name is scruffy."
"we must go find him." Then the team went out and caught Scruffy red handed robbing a convenient store.

The author's comments:
I wrote it with heart.

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