A Off Record War Memory | Teen Ink

A Off Record War Memory

October 7, 2011
By djy95 GOLD, Bloomington, Indiana
djy95 GOLD, Bloomington, Indiana
19 articles 0 photos 1 comment

My name is Desmond and I was in the off record war. At this time I am retired and I am waiting for my time to end.I will be seventy-eight in a couple of months and I'm not sure that I can make it.
I bet that you are wondering what the heck is a off record war, well I can't really tell you because I really don't know. All I know is that I was apart of it for about six months. I had went to war and came back stronger, smarter, and a little bit crazier. While I was gone I had to do some things that I am not proud of.
I remember everything as if it were yesterday. I was woken up by a knock at the door. I eventually got up and answered it.That person at the door was a Military Recruiter and his first words was that I had two choices; #1 was to come willingly and #2 was to make a scene. I went a head and chose choice 1. Then I got into the vehicle that they were driving and we then started to head to the base.
We drove for about ten hours and I then seen a sign that said, "Welcome to M.C.A." I didn't know what M.C.A meant and after a while I knew what the first two initials stood for, which was Military Camp. Once I found out what kind of place I was taken too, I started to go crazy. I was not happy that I got forced to come to a military Camp.
After ten minutes of my craziness, I started to calm down and I accepted that I'm going to be at this Military Camp for a while. Three months then went by and by that time I was ready to go to war. I also learned what all of the initials stood for (Which was Military Camp Alpha.) I didn't know who I was going into war with, and I guess that I really didn't need to know anything except how to kill someone.
When we all got dropped off at the area we were to go to war with, all the other men and I hurried up onto the shore. That next three weeks I was killing foreign people left and right. While all that was happening I was feeling like I was a terrible person.
After I had gotten back into the big US I soon found out that I could never tell anyone where I was or what I was doing for all those months. I

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This article has 2 comments.

djy95 GOLD said...
on Oct. 25 2011 at 12:12 pm
djy95 GOLD, Bloomington, Indiana
19 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I think that there is more, but I can't find it!

on Oct. 25 2011 at 7:46 am
RyanTyler PLATINUM, Windsor, Connecticut
21 articles 0 photos 94 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A myth is a religion in which no one no longer believes." James Feibleman

I liked it, it kind of remined me of the "Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien. How he didn't want to go to war but had to. Again I likeed it.

P.S does the I at the end mean he got cut off from what he wanted to say. And if so does that mean there will be more.