The Life of Ángel and Amalia | Teen Ink

The Life of Ángel and Amalia

May 16, 2024
By MarelyCo BRONZE, Willits, California
MarelyCo BRONZE, Willits, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Amalia lived in a very dangerous town where she had to learn to defend herself from others and not abandon anyone. Amalia was always with her mother  Ruby. Went to school every day she met many men but none like the one she wanted. She met Antonio. They went out twice but  she didn't like him. She met John with him. She went out more times but she didn't like it. At her school they announced a presentation for all the students, it was impossible for at the end of the period. When he went there she met Ángel. Ángel liked everything that had to do with action, weapons, making money, but for Amanda it was like love at first sight. Angel, you returned to Amalia's school every day to look at her until she decided to talk to him. They met, but Amalia did know about Ángel or what his future plans were. She didn't know that he wanted to be someone powerful and respected by everyone who looked at him. Time passed and Ángel began to work with Arturo, the biggest drug trafficker in Colombia.

 Angel started as an errand boy for him and his Cartel.they sent him to get food or take orders to the other members until he got tired and said he wanted a bigger place where he was respected and where he had power Arturo took everything as a joke and told how a young man was only twenty-three  years old waned  to enter this cruel world where you can simply end up dead or in prison. Ángel never wanted to say that to Amalia because he knew that she would never agree with him.Amalia said that she did not want the love of her  life to end up dead or imprisoned for seeking the power he was never going to have. Time passed and enemies began to arrive from Ángel's side and from Arturo's side. Ángel wanted to become independent, make his own cartel and be the boss and be able to command others and no longer be bosse around, but when he wanted to become independent, problems began with Arturo so did  the questions of why he wanted to leave Arturo's cartel.what no one knew was that a worker accused him of stealing a large amount of money when he was the one who stole it. He only told that big lie that Ángel was the one who was stealing it from him so that he would no longer doubt who was really stealing it from him. Amalia came out.she was Pregnant with Ángel but never told Ángel. Amalia decided to stay away from him because she did not want to live Ángel's violent life and she did not want her baby to be born in this world full of violence. Soon police discovered that Amalia worked for Ángel and for  Arturo. They arrested her. She spent months in jail and her baby was going to be born there, but Ángel realized that she was pregnant with him and decided to put together a plan to get her out of jail. Ángel's plan was to buy police officers inside the prison. When the time came, the police would take her out of her car. Ángel was going to arrive in a  helicopter. The idea was that when Ángel arrived with the helicopter, Amalia would get on, but when the time came to escape, Amalia never arrived because she tried to run and had pain in her stomach. Amalia began to feel a lot of pain. She thought she was going to lose her baby. Amalia decided to cancel everything when Ángel saw that it was already taking time and that they were not arriving. Ángel wanted to go down and watched everything she was going down, but Ángel thought that the police had been shooting because amalia was lying on the ground and there was blood next to her. Ángel decided to return and escape because the police started shooting. They wanted to catch him and if he was caught he would no longer be able to rescue Amalia. She had her baby in jail.  When Ángel found out that she had already been born, they planned another escape, but when Amalia had her baby, they had told her that they were going to transfer her to a women's prison. Angel wanted to take advantage of that. When the car arrived for her, the ones who arrived were Angel's workers. When the police officers were wondering why it was taking so long, they decided to ask 

 but they never answered them because they were tied up with their mouths covered so that they wouldn't. They would scream and Amalia would discover them. Amalia joined Ángel and his daughter. Ángel asked Amalia why she hadn't told him that she was expecting his baby? Amalia responded because I don't want the baby to grow up in this world. Ángel responded to our daughter. We can't give him a different life because we don't have one. We are going to give you the opportunity. Arturo, she found out that Amalia and her daughter Ruby had been released from prison. Arturo sent his people to kidnap them so he could have Ángel as his errand boy again. Ángel realized this because he There were people infiltrated in Arturo's cartel and they were told that Ángel decided and thought it was the best option to fake the death of Amalia and her daughter. From the beginning she refused and said she was not going to put her at risk. “Ruby,” Angel said. ‘Ruby’? Amalia said I decided to give her a ruby ​​in honor of my mother. Because of you Arturo's people killed her. Amalia said, but so as not to continue fighting. , we have to leave it like this better tell me how we are going to do it. Fake my death and Ruby's. But that's why Angel was no longer the same the mafia had changed him Angel said let's get a woman who looks similar to you like the same hair same height and same eyes. Amalia said no we're not going to make anyone pay. That's a bad idea. But Ángel already had everything done. He already had the woman who was going to replace Amalia and he already had the girl who was going to replace Ruby Amalia had no choice but to accept what Ángel was doing or expose herself. That Arturo would arrive and kill her and her daughter.The day of her death arrived,Angel says  Amalia was going to appear dead in a lake.She would appear before the authorities as drowned and Ruby was locked in a cage without eating and He had died of hunger and dehydration, The one who notified the police was Elisa, the woman who took care of Ángel since he was born. Amalia Rubí and Ángel were leaving Mexico heading to another state. when they were on their way Arturo's people caught up with them and kidnapped Rubí. They just wanted the girl. They put her in their truck and went to a mountain. Ángel and Amalia were not going to allow them to take away what they loved most. Arturo wanted to kill Ángel's daughter but he wanted Ángel to suffer by making her believe that he had already killed her. They put many stones in a plastic barrel to create the ruby ​​weight and when Amalia and Angel were together at the bottom of the mountain, they threw it in a plastic barrel. Ruby ​​had to be inside. when they threw it. it was bouncing and Amalia and Angel shouted no ruby Ángel got angry, took out his gun and started shooting at the person who had thrown it and at that moment Amalia received a call from an unknown number, she answered thinking it was Ángel, Amalia said, don't look for your daughter anymore, Ruby is already dead in pieces inside the plastic barrel. Amalia ran to see the plastic barrel when she realized that there were only stones, she called Ángel saying that everything is a trap to trap you, what is inside the plastic barrel is just stones. Amalia called the phone number where Arturo called him to tell him what he wanted in exchange for his daughter being returned. Arturo responded, I want you to turn yourself in to the police, but first I want you to kill Ángel. You have it close to you. He won't doubt it, but Amalia said no, why? My daughter will be left alone, Arturo replied. She won't be left alone. I'm going to raise her as if she were my daughter, but if you don't want that, tomorrow during the town fair I will put a bomb on all the people who are there. To all the people who are having fun, all those people help me catch an Angel Because Angel would want nothing to happen to those people who are not to blame. Amalia was present at the fair with Ángel. Amalia planned a plan with Ángel Amalia told Ángel and if we take the two bombs that have the most power and we run to get them away from the fair Amalia ran to take the candy cart and Ángel ran towards a baby stroller to get it away from the people when The bomb that took away Angel thundered. He was saved but he knew that Amalia had to go help him, but when he was arriving with Amalia, the police arrived in search of Ángel. They were faced with a huge shootout when a very loud explosion was heard and Amalia's last scream. Amalia exploded with the candy cart and the police shot her and killed him. Ruby was never told that her parents had died until she left the orphanage and realized that her parents had been killed and Ruby promised to take revenge

The author's comments:

My name is Marely, I was born in Porterville, California, but I grew up in Mexico. I am 17 years old. My first language I learned was Spanish, which is my favorite.

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