Mel | Teen Ink


April 26, 2023
By Anonymous

Mel is an Opelby . He lives among Opelbies in another world . They are not humans . They look like humans but they have no hair . They have wings as white as snow and their skin is grey . The strangest thing about them is their huge size; ababy measures about twoo meters!! All in all , their appearence is terrifying . However , their character is a peaceful one and they hardly ever get angry. Besides, these people tend to honour and glorify friendship.In fact , they call each other "friend" stangers and family alike . Mel was living happily out there. One day , Mel came across a large pit .Having not seen it, he fell down and slid down a long tunnel.He finally got to a new land similar to his . All of a sudden, he finds himself surrounded by little creatures he often heard of : Humans . They were firing at him , and arrows struck his body painfully . He fell to the ground and they walked over to him . They hurriedly brought an interpreter who listened to what Mel had to say . H e told the truth and assured them that he would be of no harm and would return to his world as soon as he found a way to . Three months passed , he had a huge house for himself and people got used to him . There was only one problem : he missed his friends . Every time he tried to make new friends , people either ran away or gestured as though they couldn't hear him . He was too tall to communicate with them , so they couldn't speak to him . But one day a child came up to his house and beckonned him and led him to a range of tall hills which surrounded the village near which Mel was living . There the boy climbed on the hill but still he couldn't reach Mel . Next morning, the same thing happened and the same boy took him this time to a far off range of mountains . It took him a day to climb it and ,at dusk, he reached the top of it . He was near Mel's ear and he told him in a yell:"I would like to be your friend " . Mel couldn't believe it , he suddenly was filled with happiness . Henceforth , they met everyday and soon they became very close friends . When sudddenly , the humans have found a way to get Mel back to his world . The farewell of the two friends was very sour , and the final wave of hands exchanged , carried with it a deep and solemn feeling of an everlasting friendship .

The author's comments:

Mel is an Opelby .Opelbies look like humans but they have no hair . They have wings as white as snow and their skin is grey . The strangest thing about them is their huge size; ababy measures about twoo meters!! All in all , their appearence is terrifying . However , their character is a peaceful one and they hardly ever get angry. Besides, these people tend to honour and glorify friendship.In fact , they call each other "friend" stangers and family alike .

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