Cut | Teen Ink


October 3, 2019
By WDBigWilly BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
WDBigWilly BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The best feeling, and the worst feeling. So many thoughts, ideas and problems running through my head. I could feel the blood pumping through my whole body, and a loud drum like sound beating in the center of my chest, getting faster and faster every second. I wanted to leave. Just stand up, turn around, and walk away, but I knew I couldn't. I owed it to my best friend to be there by his side. This could change our lives. The $50,000 in the back of my mind sure helped, too. 

It was cold out, even for Portland in the winter. I liked it though, It made everything quiet and peaceful. So pretty too, all the lights blinking and shining with the stars against the dark night sky. It didn't smell too well though given I was crouched next to dumpster with a sweaty mask on my face. The combination between the smell of rotten fish and my gross mask almost made me throw up the whole time we were hidden, but I managed to keep it all in thankfully. We had planned this robbery for months. It had to be perfect. We spent endless amounts of hours after school in my room planning and strategizing to make sure we succeeded no matter what. We discussed everything from where the cameras were to what cops were on duty and everything about them. We had to commit crimes just to be able to do this one. 

Now it was time. I looked over at Kris as he started his way over to the back door with the key fumbling around in his hand like it was a hot potato. He got nervous in these situations, but once we were in action there was no going back. The key slipped in like a hot knife stabbing through butter and turned with ease until we heard the little “click”, and the door slowly creaked open. We knew the alarm would go off right as we opened the door and we would have to be in and out in about five minutes before the cops showed up. 

Once we were in, the first thing we did was go directly to the safe which we had figured was in the bosses office in the back. We turned right down the hallway coming in from the back and made a run for the money. We checked every door until we finally found the room with the safe. When we finally found it we had a little mini celebration before quickly getting to work, prying off the safe door. After about three minutes of back-breaking work I started to get worried when the safe door seemed not to be budging. I knew the cops would be there any minute and we had to act fast. I jumped up to my feet and started panicking and walking around the room when all of a sudden...

“Cut!”, yells the director, spitting words left and right about how I didn’t look “authentic” enough, and didn’t show “real emotion.” I had decided that was enough. I got up, turned around and walked away while flipping off the director and yelling,

“I quit!”



The author's comments:

this piece is gas

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