The Great Datsby | Teen Ink

The Great Datsby

November 30, 2018
By Anonymous

Jonathan calderon       


English 3

The Great Datsby


What Gatsbys wanted to happen

Rationale: This story is about Gatsby getting what he wanted all along which was Daisy. I wrote this because watching the movie i always wanted Daisy to be with Gatsby not Tom so i took my twist on it.

As gatsby,nick,daisy and tom buchanan finally arrive in the plaza hotel after their long and hot drive from the buchanans. Tom began to open the door and he grabbed the handle while his hand tensed with veins popping out. He pushed open the door and almost instantaneously began to turn on the fans due to the extreme heat the ordered a bottle of rum and a bucket of ice from room service. It took awhile for everything to come since the service was short staffed that day.

Atlast it finally arrived, Gatsby began pouring everyone a drink but once he got to toms drink he looked up at him and saw tom staring with a very odd look back at Gatsby as he gave Tom his drink. Tom sat down and Gatsby did after. But Tom kept looking towards gatsby always looking away as gatsby looked back. Nick then intervenes with the awkward silence that was hovering the room and said “ why did we drive all the way here to do nothing and he attempts to make the room more playful and lenient. His attempt had up to no effect for a couple seconds then Daisy cuts the quiet with a “that's right nick let’s do something. “ Everyone turns towards daisy and Tom and gatsby say “like what” yet gatsby finish it off with an “old sport” looking at Nick.

Nick now as the center of attention starts to think of something to do. Until all of a sudden Tom bursts out towards gatsby stating that “why is he here no one knows him.” Nick defending Gatsby says  “I invited him thats why hes here so if you don't like it kick me out too.” Tom shocked with Nicks courage that he doesn't know what to say back. Gatsby interviens and ask Tom “what’s his problem with him” Tom turns at Gatsby slowly as he looks with such an angered look on his face and says with a deep tone “i know what you and Daisy are doing.” Gatsby confused on what Toms talking about since up to this point he has never done anything with Daisy but he did have a huge crush on her. Then Daisy finally says “she wasn’t doing anything with Gatsby so stop pinning lies out like that Tom you accusations aren't true.” Tom then get a rush of furiousness and begins to yell and come closer to Daisy. Gatsby jumps in and pushes tom away from her. He gets even more mad and tries to swing yet Gatsby’s reflexis don't allow the hit to happen as he ducks under it. Daisy yells and tells tom “just leaveeee!!!! No one wants you here.” Tom responds with “someone wants me here you Daisy my wife” Daisy says “no i don't want you anymore you’ve given me happiness at the start but now now what do you do just yell at me leave me and probably cheat on me who knows what you do when i’m not around.” she pushes him back with tears running down her face as shes ballin her eyes out. Gatsby begins to calm her down she then burst outta nowhere once all the anger has settled down and says “i choose Gatsby” Tom turns around with a face of confusion and lost, Gatsby smiles cause its what hes wanted all along all he wanted Daisy.

Tom with such rage leaves the room slamming the door every step with a stomp and veins bulging outta his head and arms. Once he leaves the room  feels like a 60 ton weight has been lifted off everyones shoulder the rooms mood just enlightened. Gatsby then asks Daisy “do you really choose me?” Daisy replies yesss i want you Gatsby i choose you.” Nick,Gatsby, and Daisy then agree that their starving and wanna eat. Nick reminds everyone about room service so they order a big feast for everyone. Later finding out that Tom had to pay for everything as the hotel was under his name.

Once they finish eating, talking, and laughing they look out the window and see the sun beginning to set so they decide to go home. They all go in gatsby's car once they drop off Nick, Daisy asks Gatsby “if i can stay with you for a couple of days or just the night.” gatsby figured she was scared to go back home to Tom. Gatsby instantly without a thought says “you can stay as long as you want there is plenty of space for a pretty lady like you.” they head to Gatsby’s. Once they enter they head right to the bed room and snuggle up since both were very tired. Gatsby begins to play with Daisy’s hair as she slowly falls asleep. Then Gatsby whispers to himself i have everything i could ever want in my arms right now. Daisy half asleep heard what he had said and began to smile as she finally reaches a deep sleep. Daisy began living with Gatsby from that day forward and they lived happily ever after.

until one day Tom breaks in and in their sleep point a revolver handgun at gatsby and once he gets the courage to pull the trigger, Nick slams a hard glass lamp across his head knocking out Tom. The loud thud of Toms body hitting the ground wakes up Daisy and Gatsby. Their first sight a nasty and gory scene of Tom on the floor with a puddle of blood dripping out of his head and a gun in his hand. They all then clean up the scene and throw the body into the water between Gatsby’s and the Buchanan’s. Each one swearing an oath to say nothing about that day. As Gatsby the last one to turn around from the body of water notices that the green light on the other side which has been on for what feels like forever starts to slowly fade until it’s finally out.


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