TGG Wilson and Gatsby's ending | Teen Ink

TGG Wilson and Gatsby's ending

November 30, 2018
By Alexaf BRONZE, San Jose, California
Alexaf BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

George wilson shows up to Gatsby's house with a gun while Gatsby is taking a swim in his pool Gatsby come up from the water and as he came up the telephone rings, Mike (Gatsby servent) picks up the telephone and asks ¨yes Mr. Gatsby's residents who do i have the pleasure of speaking to?¨  and daisy responds with ¨Mike, It's me daisy ¨ then mike turns to gatsby and say ¨it is daisy sir¨ then while he looks at gatsby he sees something moving in the back so he looks behind gatsby and says

¨Yes, who are you? All of a sudden gatsby turns around slowly and says

¨Old sport what has brought you here?¨ and tells mike to tell daisy he will call back later that he has bidness to handle after mike tells daisy mike hangs up the telephone.

Then wilson pulls out a gun from the waist of his pants and points it at gatsby and yells out


in a calm voice gatsby says ¨Look here old sport why don't you give that to my dear old friend mike and we can go in for coffee or tea¨

Willson suddenly yells out ¨you think i want tea or coffee? NO i don't want that i just want my sweet myrtle back! But i can't have her because of you!!!¨

¨Please old sport just give the gun to mike and will go in and talk, You want to know the truth? If we go in i will tell you everything.¨

Wilson gives the gun to mike and goes inside to gatsby's living room with gatsby.

Gatsby moves on to say ¨i know how much you have suffered i know how much great pain you are in old sport¨

Wilson respond with ¨How would you know? Did your wife die? YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I AM FEELING ¨OLD SPORT¨ ¨

Gatsby replies with ¨no my wife has not died but my parents did and had to live without the woman i love for 5 years i had to see her with another rude,arrogant, no good of a man¨

The author's comments:

Credit: A work of fanfiction inspired by character, setting, or scene in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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