Love Can Be Dangerous Sometimes | Teen Ink

Love Can Be Dangerous Sometimes

November 30, 2018
By crazy-420boy BRONZE, Campbell, California
crazy-420boy BRONZE, Campbell, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

David invited kayla to drink a tea with him and on that part david say “ when we are going to tell to tommy the true?” kayla respond “ i’m not sure but i really love you david if you want i can do a party but just drink tea on that moment and i will invited you to there and we will be able to tell him the true”, david said “ that’s sounds good and better because i was thinking another way but yours are better” kayla said “?” “what did you mean?” and but sure that’s better for us. Him said but “when you are going to do that?” she said “ i really don’t know” maybe in one month. He said alright i will be prepare. Then they still talking about how is going be they future all was perfect on that moment they was so happy on that moment and drinking tea and that day end. She go home and david was so happy and counting the days to tell the true to tommy.

Everything was like they was planing so far one week already pass but on that moment kayla no answer the phone and david was getting worry and him was thinking “is something happen to her?” was so weird then him decided to go look for her but why him go to look for her that’s was bad idea.

Him was driving on that moment but when him was close of the house of kayla him see kayla kissing another person and no was tommy him don’t believed him think was cheating of him and tommy and that’s was so wrong then him was thinking a lot and him stamp with another car and him “fall sleep”

And kayla run away to see who was it and when she see was david she was crying and calling the ambulance and was screaming his name.

So far was already two weeks and him was in coma his brain was so bad him will be forgot everything the doctor said that she was crying but was not sure if him will be wake up again was so dangerous for him.

But something mystery happen one friend of david go to see him and was tommy the husband of kayla on that moment almost kayla was going to tell him how much she love david.

On that moment david was waking up but him still remember everything and just his head was hurting a lot that’s all him say but kayla hug him and said his name a lot but david was not very happy on that moment for what him see and kayla said sorry to him and tommy was like “what is going on here?” “Someone can tell me what happen?” kayla look to david eyes and said “you are ready to said the true?” and tommy was getting mad and said “what did you two mean?” answer me kayla said i was cheating on you with david and she said “ I don’t really love you tommy i love david a lot!!!!!!!!” then david look to kayla eyes and said the true too but tommy said ”This is a lie right is not true what did you two said?” “RIGHT?”. Both say no this is true then tommy said no no this can’t be happen and tell to kayla so “Everything i was doing for you don’t really see it how much i was loving you?” “CRYING” tommy was crying and was thinking what is him going to do.

  Then him just walk away the room crying and him go to his car and drive to home but him not was very good to drive.

David was getting out of the hospital and talking with kayla said to her just leave me alone you was cheating of me with another person she just step back and thinking in her head  “him see me with another guy?” “What i do now?” david say is better if you go back with tommy him love you a lot and hope nothing happen to him just i will let you be with me on the car just to say sorry to tommy and i don’t know what are you going to do with your life on that him was driving and they see someone die on the street one car go inside the water and guess what who was it? On that part they just stay there and calling the ambulance and a officer to see who was it.

When everything was already happen was tommy who was die inside the car that was a big trouble for kayla she was crying again and david feel so bad for what him said and just said sorry tommy you was my best friend and i cheat on you with your wife and so sorry tommy i will going to remind you.

But all this is your fault kayla you make this happen and now i almost die but tommy die that’s your fault.


Credit: A work of fanfiction inspired by character, setting, or scene in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Rationale: “Instructions”.

Names of my new characters are david, kayla, tommy.

The part where i going to change are when tom and gatsby was talking each other and when daisy don’t really love tom.

I change this because is going be interesting if daisy talk with the true and what is going to happen if daisy decided to be with gatsby? That’s so interesting.

But on there we will differents names

Tom going be tommy and gatsby will be david and daisy going be kayla.

The author's comments:

before that happen the story was come a guys and girls have a protection about love and even if they hurts you, you have to continue your life without him or she so that's mean don't do anything bad like hurting yourself for that. and that's normal sometimes happen to someone and is painful but have to continue your life.

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