Revenge Sweet Revenge | Teen Ink

Revenge Sweet Revenge

November 30, 2018
By Saulisdope BRONZE, San Jose, California
Saulisdope BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hold me Jack"- Boat that didn't know how to swim

It was late night, in front of Tom and Daisy Buchanan's house reporters screaming and taking every possible picture. Word has now gotten out of Myrtle's death

“Daisy Buchanan, the one who brutally ran over Myrtle, didn’t even stop.”

As Tom Buchanan walked out the front door hundreds of new, magazines and radio reporters bombarded Tom with question after question “Is it true!?” “Did Daisy kill Myrtle?!” “Was she the one driving Gatsby’s car!?”

Tom screamed with a loud clear voice, “NO SHE DID NOT!” and proceeded going back in his mansion.

Minutes passed, all of the sudden a loud car drifting, a bright yellow Rolls Royce with a shattered window. It was Gatsby.

Gatsby jumps out the car and sprints up the stairs and standing straight and tall, takes a big breath and calmly but loudly says, “I killed Myrtle, I ran her over with my yellow Rolls Royce!”

As Gatsby finished his sentence a woman in the middle of the crowd demanded urgently, “SHUT UP!”

As she walked forward from the path everyone made for her, her dirty face and ripped sweater can be seen she then clarifies loudly, “Your a liar! I was there when Myrtle was ran over and when the car stopped for a second I saw a blonde skinny girl in the driver’s seat, you can’t lie to us Mr. Nobody!”

Gatsby with a furious face screamed from the top of his lungs, “NO!” and went inside the Buchanan house.

Inside the household Tom can be seen putting everything he can find at sight in a suitcase, clothes , jewelry , shoes , anything and everything as Daisy sits in her own tears. Gatsby does nothing else but quickly sit with Daisy to comfort her.

While hugging and wiping Daisy’s tears off he thinks, “ What if I bring daisy with me, w-we can run away together for good?. We can rush out to brazil and sit on the beach as a family.”

“ Where’s Pam?” Gatsby quickly asked Daisy.

“She-she-she’s in her crib upstairs “ she replied.

Gatsby runs upstairs, grabs the baby, lifts up daisy and takes her to the back door

screaming, “Let’s go! We are out of here!”

Tom stands in their way and pushing off Gatsby trying to convince Daisy to stay.

“Stay with me baby, why on earth would you with this bootleg? Think about our daughter.


While Tom and Gatsby traded off trying to convince Daisy, an old rusty car can be seen arriving. No reporters could see George’s face as he ducked down to grab a big revolver out of the glove compartment and quickly ran to the side by the bushes. Going all the way around , Wilson managed to turn off the green light from the dock as he went up the stairs from the back of the house.

He can be seen by Gatsby standing behind Tom twitching, crying, and sobbing.

“BOOM,” a loud gunshot was heard all through the house.

A piece of Tom’s ear was shot off.

In the middle of Daisy’s head.

A hole.

Gatsby and Pam cover in Daisy’s blood.

“ She was my world, my everything , my HEART!” he furiously screamed.

Wilson flipped the gun, aimed it at his heart and



Credit: A work of fanfiction inspired by character, setting, or scene in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

The author's comments:

Rationale: I chose this scene because I asked myself what if Gatsby was never shot? I created a scene where at the end Gatsby, Gatsby doesn't get shot ansd everybody cries at the end, but instead look at someone who creaated this problem pay it. 

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