Out Of This World | Teen Ink

Out Of This World

October 31, 2018
By smigr897 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
smigr897 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

October 25th,


I got to, I just got to, Aubrey thought to herself. This was the time when she got anxiety. Every Sunday after midnight basically. It was after midnight in her room, and then suddenly she was starting to fall asleep. The lights in her eyes were dimming. Then she dreamt.

October 26th,


It was morning in her room. She went down to eat cereal, and nobody was there. She thought they were still sleeping. Aubrey went upstairs and sure enough they were still sleeping. She tried to wake them up.

“What do you want honey,” Aubrey’s Mom said in a tired voice.

“It’s Monday,” Aubrey squealed.

“OH!” Aubrey’s Mom exclaimed.

“We need to get your dad up and your sister too!” Aubrey’s Mom said.

“This is awful,” Aubrey’s Mom said.

“We can’t think like that!” Aubrey protested.

“Yeah,” Aubrey’s Mom said,”I was just pulling your leg on what I said.

This is awful.”

“Yes, and we are past that, and now we need to go wake up your sister and your dad,” Aubrey’s Mom fought to stay awake.

“Right,” Aubrey said.

They zoomed down the hallway. Once they got down to the door of their room, they woke them up.

“What’s happening,” Aubrey’s Dad said.

“It’s Monday,” Aubrey’s Mom said

“I thought it was going to be Sunday, so I did not turn on the alarm clock to wake Taylor and I up,” Aubrey and Taylor’s Dad explained

“Oh!!” Aubrey and Taylor’s Mom exclaimed.

while they were talking they did not realize that it was 8:30 in the morning

“I better go and check the clock,” Aubrey and Taylor’s Mom said.

she went to go to check.

“WWWAAAAAAHHH!” Aubrey and Taylor’s Mom said.

“What happened?” Aubrey and Taylor’s Dad said.

“l-look a-at t-the c-clock,” Aubrey and Taylor’s Mom said

“W-What,” Aubrey and Taylor’s Dad said in an exhausted voice.

“It is 8:30,” Aubrey and Taylor’s mom said.

“Well, It’s a good thing we live right across the road from

Lincoln School,” Aubrey reminded them,“and we can get there fast!”

October 27,


The next day, it was chaos. (No I don’t mean Kaos from Skylanders.)

It was chaos because they forgot to set their alarm clock again.  This time they didn’t wake up until 9:00. Taylor woke up and then woke up their dad, then Aubrey and then their mom.   Mom said “Aubrey and Taylor you share the bathroom and get ready.” Mom then started making breakfast while dad took care of the two cats”.  After getting ready and eating breakfast they bolted to school and barely made it by 9:30.

The next two days were smoother and went as planned.

October 30,


The big day was finally here.  The girls were excited, their mom made pumpkin pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast.   This was a tradition that the family started when the girls started school. Also part of their tradition was for their mom to come to school and help in the girls classrooms.  The girls really enjoyed when their mom came to school. They finished their breakfast and Aubrey, Taylor, and mom walked across the street to school. Mom and the girls baked chocolate chip cookies with ghosts and pumpkins on top the night before so they were bringing them to school to share with their class.  Today was a special day for goblins and ghosts, it was the day for their Halloween party. Taylor was a goblin and Aubrey was a ghost. The girls quickly got in their chairs when Mrs. Whiney said “Why are you late? Can you please sit down.” Mrs. Whiney told the class as she was passing out a sheet of paper that they were going to color a vase with flowers for a contest.   She told the class that there was a prize for the best picture, but didn’t tell them what the prize was. The girls really like to color, it was one of their favorite things to do, so they were excited to start the day this way. While the children colored the teacher said “Raise your hand if you want a hot dog on a bun and a cookie,” after a few seconds had gone past she asked again to see who wanted scrambled eggs and a cookie.   When she had her counts for the different lunch options she sent a message to the office on the computer.

The girls continued through their day until they got to the exciting part, their party.  Yesterday they worked hard on a 3D printed house and behind the house they had a big bowl full of candy.  For their party they had the person coming up to the house and the person giving out the candy use their pointing finger and middle finger as action figures to walk up to the house pretending to be people and trick-or-treat for candy.  The person behind the house would give them candy. Other classes would come in and get candy in the same way. After every class came in then their class would get candy. The girls enjoyed their party. At home the mom said, I think you have enough candy so let's hand out candy tomorrow instead of going trick-or-treating.

October 31,


Halloween was always more fun when it fell on a Saturday.   At 4:00 that afternoon the girls lit up their jack-o-lanterns and got into their costumes.   They decided to play a game with the trick-or-treaters as they came to the door. When the kids would say trick-or-treat the girls would ask which hand the girls had the candy hidden in.   If the trick-or-treater guessed correctly they would get 3 pieces of candy. But if they guessed incorrectly they would still get candy but only 2 pieces. Mom had bought a variety of candy including; Jolly Ranchers, Reese single cups, suckers, Twizzlers, mini candy bars, and little toy trinkets.  That night they had 229 kids come to the door and 129 kids were able to guess right, but everyone had a good time.

November 2,


The girls were excited to go to school, today was they day they found out who won the contest and what the prize was.   Mrs. Whiney addressed the class that it was hard to make a decision on who colored the best pictures but they had two winners.   The winners were Taylor and Aubrey, the best at coloring in the class. Their prizes were an iPad mini 4s. They had been wanting one for the past couple of years.  The girls were so excited to go home and show their parents.

April 1,


7:00 AM and the alarm clock went off.   Aubrey sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes and looked over at her sister.   “Please tell me I wasn’t dreaming and we did win iPad mini 4s at school,” Aubrey said.   Taylor looked at her funny and said “what are you talking about?” Aubrey thinks her sister was teasing her so she went downstairs and asked her mom and dad.  Her parents looked at her and smiled, “we’re sorry honey, I think you were dreaming.” Aubrey was disappointed but told her parents and sister the entire dream.   They thought it was funny that they had overslept several days in a row and that the girls had made a 3D printed house at school. But the thing they were more excited about was that they had won the coloring contest and received iPad mini 4s.

After Aubrey finished her story the alarm clock went off.  She woke up and was really excited when she realized that it was really Tuesday November 3rd and she and her sister had iPad mini 4s laying next to their bunkbed.  It turns out that the she was still dreaming when she thought she had woke up before and boy was she happy that it was a dream and she and her sister had won the contest. Even though it was a school day they were excited to start the day.

The author's comments:

my teacher in 5th grade teacher inspired me about fantasy and fiction. so i wrote this book about these two girls who have hard time getting to school on time, and struggle with them trying to do better than each other.

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