Midnight | Teen Ink


June 7, 2018
By SamanthaWilking BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
SamanthaWilking BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was Midnight.

There were footsteps.

It was a minute past midnight.

The footsteps were mine.

I didn't do it, I know I didnt. Or maybe I did. Nothing made sense.

There were murders, two of them, they were down the street from my house, my moms house.

The police said I did it, but I don't remember doing it, at least part of me doesn't.

I don't remember where I was that night, I was supposed to be at home but my brain told me to go somewhere else I think, I don't know why I listen to my brain, it never tells me to do the right thing.

I remember hearing the yelling, and the lamp broke, I cut my hand on the broken glass. I didn't want to hurt anybody.

It was 3 minutes past midnight.

I couldn't hear my footsteps, they were quiet, or maybe they weren't there. Why had I stopped walking? The cut on my hand hurt, I did not cry or yell in pain, i wrapped the cloth back around my fingers.

Five minutes past midnight.

I was in the police station, the fingerprints were not mine, I didn't kill anybody. They left their door unlocked, why would they leave their door unlocked if they didn't want anybody coming in?

The cell was cold, They took my jacket, and my shoes. They told me not to talk, but I never talked anyways, not out loud.

Quarter after Midnight.

I killed them.

I know I did it, I didn't want to do it.

They told me to do it. I shouldn't have listened. I know I wasn't supposed to listen to my brain.

I don't know the time.

The sun didn't shine in the cells of the police station. My blood was dried over the handcuffs that braced my wrists so tightly. I called for the officers but they didn't listen.

I whimpered

The voices in my head were loud, but nobody else heard them. The bags under my eyes hurt.

I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't.

It was day three.

The police came, they took the handcuffs off. They said I had to wait for a trial, and that I was being provided a lawyer

I asked for my family but they said I didn't have any, I could hear the voices in my head saying they were lying but my heart said they were right.

I didn't have a family. My parents were gone, murdered.

Did I do it? I don't want to know.

I was angry. Angry that the stupid police wouldn't let me go. Angry that my head was filled with so many voices beside my own. Angry that I killed the only two people who mattered in my life. Angry that my brain told me to do it, and my body fell for the lies and did it anyways.

I was scared, I scratched my scabbed over wrists and they bled more.


I was so stupid.

It was time to take my medication. I could tell because the voices were so loud. So loud. My head hurts and my wrists hurt but they didn't care. I told the officers i need my pills but they just laughed and told me a was insane.

I know i'm insane, They told me so. I killed my own parents. I am insane.

I plead not guilty. But nobody believed me. I didn't believe me.

Back in handcuffs. Back in a cell.

There was no sun. I didn't want the sun. It burned my skin and hurt my eyes now.

Im sorry. So so sorry.

They yelled at me, the guards, the cafeteria ladies. The inmates. They hurt me, they hurt me so bad. My head said to fight back, I already killed two, whats a couple more right?

My bed was thin, and cold. I shivered at night.

It had been too many days for me to count.

The infirmary. It was the third time this week. My ribs were bruised and my head still hurt. They yelled that I was a lunatic, that they should have but me in the mental hospital instead of prison.

I wish I was dead, I will be dead.

They told me I deserved to die, they made me do all these awful things in the first place. Why was my brain like this?

It was the day. I didn't leave my cell, I haven't eaten in three days. I was going to die.

This is the way it should be they said. My eyes drooped and my bruised ribs were getting worse. The hospital didn't notice when I unplugged the machine and took the IV out. They were too late.

My mind was blank. The voices were so quiet. So quiet. I couldn't hear myself breathing. Maybe I wasn't breathing. I hope I wasn't.

The voices were gone.

I was gone.

The author's comments:

I wrote this all in one go for a fiction writing prompt in my creative writing class.

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