Friendship | Teen Ink


April 7, 2017
By marie.017 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
marie.017 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments


One friend that you get along with
A wink of love
A galaxy full of memories
A mound full of laughs 
A flurry full of summer lake days
An ocean full of bonfires
A whisper of shopping days
A droplet of tears
A truckload of long summer car rides with the windows down
An acre of Kiltie ice cream runs


First, take the one friend one get long with and mix it with love. Then, grab a mixer and mix them together. Now, Grab a measuring cup and measure ½ cups of memories. If it looks dry add another ½ cup. Memories are very important in a friendship. Pour the memories in with love and the one friend. Stir it so it's smooth. Then add the mound of laughs, the flurry of lake days, bonfires, shopping days together. Once you mix those make sure you only put one droplet of tears. If you add more the friendship could fall apart. Now pour that into the bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Finally mix together the long summer car rides with the windows down and an acre of Kilties ice cream runs and add it to the bowl. Let it sit for 6 years and you will have the best friendship.

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