Fair Grounds | Teen Ink

Fair Grounds

May 25, 2016
By Madpadgib BRONZE, South Jordan, Utah
Madpadgib BRONZE, South Jordan, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing it is stupid." -Albert Einstein

Time seemed to freeze as the first screams pierced the bone dry July air. Heads turned toward the source of the screams, where a young girl was hanging off the tallest roller coaster at the fair. The specktators gasped as her hands slipped off the railing, many crying out in alarm as she plummeted toward the ground. A chilling cackle echoed through the fair as she fell. The sickening crunch of her bones shattering filled the air with agony. Everyone froze as they first caught sight of the twisted body. Her honey blond hair was stained red with blood and her head was smashed flat. Parents shielded their children from the gruesome sight of a child lying in a puddle of blood. The sobbing of the mother for her daughter froze some people’s souls with pain.
“Someone call the police.”
The cry of a young mother snapped many out of their trance. Many mothers and fathers called 9-1-1 and informed the operator of the tragedy. Police were dispatched immediately. As the fair goers waited, the chilling cackle filled the air once again.

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