The Red Cocktail Dress | Teen Ink

The Red Cocktail Dress

March 14, 2016
By SaraTomarelli BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
SaraTomarelli BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
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Emily pulled into the Dillard’s parking lot at eleven thirty P.M. with her best friend Brittany. It was thirty minutes before the doors would open and the Black Friday sale would start and the line already wrapped around the store. Emily had been eyeing a red Gianni Bini c***tail dress for weeks and was hoping to buy it for the upcoming Christmas party her family is throwing.
While waiting in line, Emily and Brittany were making small talk and Emily asked her what she was hoping to buy today. Brittany replied with, “A red c***tail dress by Gianni Bini!” Emily was taken aback by her response and said, “Are you sure the brand of the dress is Gianni Bini because I think that’s the dress I was going to buy.” Brittany pulled up a picture of the dress that she had found online on her phone. Emily’s mouth dropped. It was the same exact dress. There wouldn’t be a problem with them getting the same dress except for the fact that they both wear the same size and last week when Emily had checked to see if the dress was still in stock they only had one left in her size.
The ten second countdown began and as the crowd reached zero the doors flew open and the herd of women ran inside the store. Emily still in shock did not know what to do. As she looked around she saw Brittany making her was to the Gianni Bini section. Emily was furious. In the moment Emily realized she had to find the dress before Brittany did. Emily ran over to the Gianni Bini section knocking over a mannequin in the process. After walking through all of the isles she still could not find the dress. As she turned around she saw another woman hang the dress back on the rack. Emily ran over to the dress but she was too late. Brittany had gotten there at the same time she did. Both girls were outraged that the other would try to get to the dress before they did. Instead of handling this situation in a calm manner Emily and Brittany both snatched up the beautiful red dress and began pulling on it. Emily was not going to let go. She has had her eye on this dress for weeks and was not about to give up now. After about two minutes of play tug of war over the dress Brittany’s grip became loose. Emily yanked on the dress so hard that Brittany lost her grip and fell to the ground. Emily was ecstatic. She finally had the dress! She ran to the dressing room to try it on to make sure that it fit.
Emily turned around and looked in the mirror. She was disgusted. The dress she had been eyeing for weeks was beautiful, but it did not look beautiful on her at all. It was too short on her she was so tall. After spending so much time thinking about this dress and finding out it looked awful on her Emily was crushed. She walked back outside the dressing room to find Brittany there waiting for her. Both were still upset over everything that had happened. “I can’t believe we both got so worked up and risked our friendship over a c***tail dress”, Brittany said. The both laughed and Emily handed the dress to Brittany. Brittany tried the dress on and it fit her perfectly.
Waiting in line for Brittany to purchase the dress Emily said, “At least one of us is getting the dress.”  Brittany smiled and joked about her being short was an advantage for once because that is why the dress fit so well. After an eventful night of Black Friday shopping, Emily and Brittany made their way back to the car. Tonight they both realized that their friendship is worth more than any materialistic item, especially a red c***tail dress.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this because the relationships you have with your family and friends are the most important things/ 

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