Undying | Teen Ink


March 11, 2016
By tarahsumpter BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
tarahsumpter BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whatever satisfies the soul, is truth."

Jasper took a slow deep, breath of the damp air, starring into the distance. Into the rain; across the field.

“God, I miss her.” He muttered in a mix of pain, and regret. Both things he wanted so desperately to forget; yet he never allowed himself to do so. For, they were the only things that he had left of her anymore. The pain of her memories. It hurt, because he still loved her. He wanted her back. But, what if it was too late? What if he messed up real bad this last time, and he had lost all his chances at forgiveness?

The fog began to settle around him, but he didn’t care. He silently wished he hadn’t been so stupid. So reserved. He kneeled down slowly on the cold ground. Leaning back on his heals; he tried to shake off the flashbacks that started to try to take him over.

Meanwhile, in a small town two states over, Trinity starred in Jasper’s direction. She to was kneeling in her back yard, leaning back on her heals, and thinking of the past. She smiled, as she thought of all the memories they made together. Jasper was always the one she went to. The safe haven that always shined a light in the darkest of times, but there was just one little problem. Sometimes he wasn’t the best at opening up to her. To anyone. 

  Jasper’s hands shook as he remembered the bar fight that ended it all. A tall man walks in, wearing a trench coat. Jasper’s heart skips a beat as he takes in the slight bulge in the side. It had to be a gun. He stiffened when the strange man caught his gaze, and walked to the stool beside him. His breath started to quicken as he saw Trinity walk out of the bathroom, right at the moment the man was reaching into the coat. His hand was heading right for the bulge.  He was not about to let the love of his life be in danger. He tackles the man to the ground, and wrestles the gun out of his hands. He can hear Trinity calling to him, and shortly after he feels her pulling at his waist.

Jasper tries to pull himself out of the flashback, not wanting to start reliving what is coming next.

Trinity keeps pulling at his waist as he swings at the guy who is now passed out. She slaps at his back, and that’s when he does what he regrets the most. He turned on her, swinging hard and fast. In his rage he hadn’t realized that it was her.  He hit her right in the jaw, knocking her to her ground.
  His whole body shakes, as he still tries to force the memories out of his mind. He wants to scream. To punch that man again. To go back in time and try to fix what he had done.

Trinity laid there on her side, curled into a tight ball groaning in what he could tell was utter agony.  He kneeled down beside her, and tried to grab her hand but she pushed it away for just a moment. The feeling of rejection washed over him in that moment, and it was the worst thing he had ever felt before now.  She looked up at him, tears pouring from her grey eyes, and he tried again to grab her hand. This time she allowed him to hold it tenderly as he accessed the damage he had done.

Jasper scooped her up carefully into his strong arms, and headed for the door without a word; just a nod at the owner.  The hospital was only about a block away, and there was little time to wait. He walked swiftly that direction, trying to stay calm as her groans grew louder with every step. Her face was bruised badly, and she was clinging her rib. She must have hurt it when she fell.

Jasper feels himself jerk as the flashback breaks off. He closes his eyes, dropping his head in shame and frustration. He couldn’t believe what he had done to the girl he loved.

Trinity was lost in the flashback; all she could see was the blood.  The gravel in the alley, the rusty pipe Jasper hit his head on. Her eyes traveled to the wound on his side, and she looked up at his face contorted in pain.  She kneeled by his side, and held his hand until he gathered enough strength to stand. She allowed him to put all his weight on her, and she did her best to keep him up.
Trinity fought to get her eyes to open. She didn’t want to see this. And what happened next, was the worst thing she had ever felt.

She walked him as fast as she could to the hospital, and when they got there the doctors worked swiftly to stop the bleeding. They ran tests on his head, and all was fine.
  Trinity stood at his bedside as they sewed up his wound. Nine stiches, that was all. Boy he was lucky. She waited for him to wake and when he did, she couldn’t believe the look he gave her.  He looked at her with a look of pure disgust. Like he hated her. Like she was the reason he was attacked.
She looked down at him trying to hide the pain under a mask of a smile. Tears welled up in her eyes, as she watched his face harden.

“I don’t think we can work anymore.” he said in a harsh, but hushed voice. Then he looked away, as Trinity tried her best not to collapse. 
“Please, Jasper. Please. Don’t do this.”
He looked at her slowly, and opened his mouth to say something, but that’s when the nurse walked in.
She stopped at the foot of the bed, holding Jasper’s charts.
“Well sir. There’s good, and bad news. You have to stay here for two weeks until your wound can heal on your side, enough for you to be able to clean and dress it on your own. But, the good news is, you are going to be just fine. And we can assure you, you are in wonderful hands.”
  Trinity turned and stormed out, despite the calls she heard from Jasper’s strained voice. She didn’t stop. She went home and packed all her things. And she bought a ticket for a west bound train, back to her hometown. She was going to move back in with her parents. 

Trinity snaps out of the flashback. Hot tears stream down her face, as her mind spins once again. What was he trying to tell her? What was that unheard message? 

It had been four years since they saw each other. They both were 19, and now at 23 they were living with their parents again. She had nowhere to go. Jasper was the one paying for the house. Everything was in his name, so when he left her she had no choice but them.
The pain and regret that Jasper had felt, caused him to drink. He lost all motivation for a few months; he got behind on his bills, and next thing he knew he was back home. Living off of his family, and trying to find a way to fix all he had done those last two weeks he had the love of his life.
They both had healed from their wounds, the scars just faint marks on their skin. But they were still constant reminders of the mistakes they had made.

“If only I had stayed.” They thought together.

Trinity stood and ran into house, and to her room. She grabbed the keys and headed for her car, without a word to anyone. At the same time Jasper was running to the kitchen grabbing the keys to his truck, also without a word to his family.
Heading towards each other, they weren’t sure exactly where they were going, but they knew it was needed.

Both families were worried sick when they realized that they had run off like this. They toyed around with the thought of calling a search party, but something gave them the feeling that, everything would be okay.

Neither of them stopped for anything. They hadn’t even grabbed anything that they might have needed. Just the clothes on their backs, and their phones they had in their pockets. Luckily they both had left the chargers in the passenger seats.

Heading rapidly towards each other, all the thoughts of regret, anger and pain were pushed out of their minds. Replacing those thoughts, were feelings of hope, and pure love. Hopes, at a second chance, and as much as they wished the other fell apart when they left, they now hoped that they were alright.

After a few hours, at opposite ends of the small forest, they pulled to a stop. It was starting to slowly grow dark. Funny how they met halfway but, couldn’t bring themselves to go any further.
Trinity sat back in the seat, as she turned off the car. She glanced in the mirror, and saw the folder she had forgotten about. It was still laying in her backseat, from where she had taken it back. Warring with herself over weather to open it, she reached back and grabbed it. She couldn’t believe she had left it there, for all this time. Four years it stayed in the back of her car, waiting for the day she opened it.
Slowly opening it, she smiled as she saw the drawings she had made for him. Nine. And letters, notes, lists, and songs.  All for Jasper. She pulled out the first letter she saw. The one he loved the most. But didn’t read it just yet. Just held it to her heart, closing her eyes until she felt ready.

Jasper sat there behind the wheel, the truck still running. He glanced at the mirror, and saw the scarlet bandana she had left on his pillow. The one he gave her to remember him by. He suddenly was overcome by another flashback.
She stood there in front if him, in the slight breeze. Her hair swaying just a bit, and he pulled the bandana out of his pocket. He took her hand and softly tied it around her wrist. Standing, he looked down at her, looking into her powerful grey eyes.
“With this bandana, you now have a way to remember me. When I am away. When you miss me. When I’m just in the other room. And with this,” he touched it gently “I give you my vow that I will always be here. And that I will always love you.”
Trinity had worn that bandana everyday. She guarded it with her life. It was her favorite thing in the world. Every time Jasper saw her with it, he smiled. 
Shutting off the truck, he leaned back against the seat, closing his eyes. What if she wasn’t there? What if she was there, but didn’t want to see him? What if he really had lost all his chances?
A fire of determination burned deep inside him. I wont give up that easy. Not this time, he thought. I already took care of things. She won’t be in any more danger.

Trinity looked back down at the letter. And began to read what she had written so many years ago.
You are the love of my life. I don’t know what I would do without you. You have been there for me, in so many ways. You are my protection, my rock, and truest friend. You have saved me from the side of me; I never thought I could beat. And if not for you, I would not have made it this far. You taught me to be strong, to love myself, and how to make it through anything. I am so grateful for that, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. I love you baby.
-Trinity “
She started to fold the paper, when she saw something had been written on the back. She turned it over, and glanced over it for a moment. It was dated a week before she left.
“ Trinity,
   My love, what I must tell you, is the hardest thing I will ever do. I don’t think we can work out anymore. With me around you, I put you in too much danger. I have to take care of things first, and then I will come back for you. If you don’t want me back, then I will understand. But I swear to you, I will never let anything else happen to you. I would die first. I love you more than my soul.
- Jasper “
Tears streamed down Trinity’s face, as she felt the love she never knew existed. She knew he loved her, but not like that. And what were the things, he was taking care of? Was that what he was trying to tell her? She cursed herself for walking out like that. For leaving when the words she needed to hear, were about to come out of his mouth.
Drying her tears, she put the letter back in the folder, and sat it tenderly in the passenger seat. Her hand traveled hesitantly to the door handle.

Jasper rested his hand against the door, still looking ahead. He blindly felt for the handle, but didn’t open it.
“Am I ready for this?” They both thought. “No, but I gotta take a chance. Well… here goes nothin’.” Opening the doors at the same time, they climbed out and closed them slowly. Squaring their shoulders, taking a deep breath, and silently praying, they started towards the middle of the forest.

  The families were trying hard to fight the urge, of starting a search for them. But deep down, they were almost sure of what the two were doing.  They knew about them being together. They could tell they were in love. And if what they were doing, was trying to fix things, then they couldn’t blame them.

Finally they met up, but stopped short of each other. Both seemed nervous. Questions beating at the floodgates of their minds.
Trinity was the one to step forward. She reached a shaky hand out to touch Jasper’s chest, as she looked deep into the pools of liquid gold he had for eyes. Jasper wrapped his arms tightly around her, and pulled her close against him, pulling her up slightly. Their lips grazed and before they knew it, they were kissing. A sort of electricity flowed between them, and there was so much passion between them, their hearts felt as one, and it felt as if they would explode.
They continued as the urgency slowed, until it was a slow tender rhythm. Then Trinity pulled back, but stayed in his arms. She opened her mouth to say something, but Jasper’s hand gently stopped her. She looked away for a moment, and when she looked back he had tears welling up.
“I…I’m so sorry” he said slowly, but after he took a breath everything came out in a rush, almost getting jumbled. “I thought it would be better for us both, if I had just walked away. After I hit you, the guilt tore me apart. And after I was attacked, I was afraid they would come after you next. It was way to dangerous. And I wanted you safe. If you would have gotten hurt, I couldn’t live with myself. But, after I broke your heart, it broke me. I started drinking, I lost my job… I had to move in with my parents. And now I’m just standing here like an idiot, blabbering on and on, when really I should be asking you-“
“I forgive you”. She said cutting him off, before pressing her lips to his again, and he picked her up into his arms as he kissed her back. Wrapping around him tightly, she leaned back in his arms and looked into his eyes once again.
“I think it’s pretty safe to say, we both messed up. And without each other, we fell to pieces. And we went through hell. But now here we are, and we can start over. And our love is-“
“Undying”. They said together. 
“But, how could you forgive me for what I did?”
“ The same way you never truly blamed me for what happened, even though I’m at fault myself…. it’s because I love you.” She smiled at him sweetly, but it faded slowly when she realized he wasn’t returning it.  “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t be sure that things wont be dangerous for you though.”
“Jasper, please don’t do this. We just started fixing things.”
“I’m not going to leave silly. I just feel like something might happen.”
“That’s a risk I am willing to take.”
Jasper grabbed her hand, and with that they turned and walked to his truck. They climbed in the cab, and she looked at him with an adventurous look in her eyes.
“So, where we going?”
“This little ghost town that we used to run to. And that house should still be standing.”
She gave him a devastated look, mixed with hope. “Really?”
Jasper nodded, and watched as she smiled big. “ It will give us a chance to catch up, and also to prepare just in case they try to hurt us again. But it’s off the radar of all search parties. It’s the perfect place. “

Trinity’s heart beat like a train. It made her ears throb. Anything could happen. Did they have the tools they needed, to fight any danger off if they needed to? She couldn’t be sure. But she told herself to keep hope.

Jasper must have noticed her start to shake, because he grabbed her hands to steady them. “I swear to you, things will be okay. I will teach you how to defend yourself. I will make sure you know what to do, and that we have at least a gun. Or something close.”
She tried her best to fight the tears of fear, but her eyes failed her. She started to sob, her whole body shaking like a rag doll. Going completely limp in the seat, she closed her eyes tight.
Jasper pulled her into his lap, cradling her against his chest. Burying his face in her hair, he thought of ways to calm the fears he now could see he set into her heart so deep.
She pulled away and her hand went for the door. Jasper clamped down on her wrist. “Trinity please, “ he looked at her with a pleading and confused look. “Don’t go.”
She shook her head. “I know we will have a chance at surviving.  But how do I know for sure, that when things get bad you aren’t going to leave?”
His eyes narrowed. “I left because that’s what was best for you.”
“I know that. But you have a history of leaving. How do I know you wont do it again.” That time it wasn’t a question. It was a statement. A statement that stung as it came out. A statement that she didn’t want to be true. The pain it caused, just to think about it almost made her collapse in his lap.
He held her up, and turned her to face him. It forced her to straddle him. Her heart beat in a new way. And she blushed slightly as heat flooded through her. “You sure know how to persuade without even speaking.”
Jasper smirked. “It’s a gift.”
Trinity leaned forward and started to kiss him once again, slow and tender. His lips tasted so sweet, they were so soft. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and she felt his hands cup around her hips. She weaved her fingering through his shaggy red-brown hair, and he kissed her harder. She broke away and caught her breath. “We should get going, it’s starting to get really dark.”
“Your right.” He helped her back to her side, and they strapped in. They could feel the tension in the air. A strong charge. And it was all she could do not to climb back over.

They finally pulled up to a house that seemed a thousand years old. No one around. Did the lights even work? It would be an awful darkened stay without them. Trinity looked at Jasper with an unsure look.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Don’t worry about it. Its not in that bad a shape.”
She looked at him quizzically. “Yet, it looks like it’s been here since Jesus rose!”
He snickered. “Just give it a chance. Come on.” They got out, and walked up to the white wooden door. The windows all were topped with stained glass. And there were window seats.
Trinity had forgotten what it looked like, until now. All the memories of how beautiful it was flooded her mind. Chandeliers in every room. And kitchen of just stainless steel, and designer tables, chairs and all the works. Those who lived in this town, for some reason, just upped and left. They left everything here.
They walked inside, and turned on every light, giggling on the way, like little children up to no good.
It was getting late, so they found the softest looking bed and sat down beside each other.
“I can’ t believe we have this much passion between us, when we just got back together. But I like it.” Trinity said smiling. She was leaning against jasper, and his arm was loosely around her.
He looked down at her, and smiled back. “Same here.”
They looked into each other’s eyes for a long moment, and then he lay back, pulling her with him until she was on top of him. Once again she ended up straddling his waist. She leaned down and kissed him again, but this time it didn’t start off tender. It was hard and more urgent than before. She felt his tongue trace her lip, and she melted.
Her hands quested his chest, his abs. And his hands traveled once again to her hips. She felt him shift towards her slightly, and she gasped softly as he pulled her against him more, his hands hard on her hips.
He turned, and now he was on her. She was still straddling him, but now his hands were on her thighs. He moved them up and down her legs, as the kissing continued. He moved his hips until their bodies were pressed tightly. He moved against her slightly, and she gasped louder against his lips. They continued to show their love for each other through this all night.

  Trinity’s eyes opened slowly. Her body tensing slightly, she was suddenly aware Jasper was beside her. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist, she was facing him, and her head was on his chest.
Jasper opened his eyes, and smiled at her. “Good morning my fair lady. God, you are so beautiful. It’s breath taking. I can’t believe you’re here in my arms.”
“Jasper, I love you so much.”
“I love you so much more.”
  They share this moment of happiness, just looking into each other’s eyes.
“We should get up and start training.” Jasper said reluctantly.  “The closest has clothes that should fit you. I have my own stash in another one. Make sure you wear something comfortable. Its training time.”
Excitement shot through her, and she was up like a lightening bolt. She walked to the closest and began to look for clothes.
“I’ll go make us some breakfast,” Jasper said, with a giggle.

Trinity finally decided on, a pair of tight slight boot legged jeans, that were faded, with small rips. A tight V-neck, heather grey t-shirt. And, an almost brand new pair of white all-star converse. She took a quick glance in the mirror, and brushed her hair until it was soft and flowing again. She smiled and strolled out into the kitchen.
Jasper was wearing a nice pair of dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and timberline boots. He looked mighty fine.
Jasper took her into his arms, and looked down at her. “You should wear outfits like that all the time.”
“Well, I would. But, I don’t have the money for it anymore.”
“Baby, now that we are together again, I’m not going anywhere. And we can start over. Have a great life together. I can see it.”  
This made Trinity smile as bright as the sun. “Thanks babe. So, what’s the training breakfast?”
“Pancakes and chocolate milk.”
“That sounds wonderful”
They sat at the table across from each other, and ate slowly. Enjoying each other’s company, they talked about how their home lives were.  
“Well, jasper started. It wasn’t to bad, but it would have been better if you were there. I always felt I was in the way. I could always tell they hated me being there. But, what choice did I have? Where else was I to go?” He shook his head. “Well, what about your folks?”
“Um, they were…. alright I guess. I mean I could tell they didn’t want me there either. Everyday I had to go on walks and calm down. I had to hide everything from them, because it always gets on their nerves. My parents would give me this look that said, when are you moving out?” Trinity looked down, then back up.
Jasper waited for her to meet his gaze. “I know how you feel. I know it hurts, but you have me now.”
“I’m never going back.” She said softly.
“You don’t have to. Who cares about them? You have me, and that’s all that matters.”
“But, what about my dad? He’s sick. The doctors think he might have cancer…”
“Then let your mom take care of him, while I take care of you.”
“I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, and my parents need me.” She shoves away from the table and stands a little to quickly. She has to catch herself on the chair.
“Can take care of yourself huh?” jasper sneers. “Yeah right.”
“ I don’t think I’m hungry anymore.” Trinity storms out of the kitchen and starts out the door. She’s halfway down the stairs, when she falls, hitting her side. The side with the ribs she had broken. It hurt like hell, but she didn’t allow herself to cry out in pain. Taking quick shallow breaths, she forced herself back up. When she turned around there he was, with his arms wide open. She walked past him, but held the door behind her, so it wouldn’t slam in his face.
When she was lying on the couch, he leaned over her. “You need an x-ray.”
“No.” she panted.
“Yes you do.” He starts to raise her shirt, but she catches his hand. It causes a sharp pain, and she hisses softly. And tears well in her eyes, slightly. “Trinity, please. Let me see that side. “
After a moment, she allows him to look. “It sure has a nasty bruise. You might have broken it again. I need to get you to the hospital.”
She tries to sit up, but falls back. “No, Jasper please. Just bandage me up with something here. I’ll be fine with just that.”
He is torn for a moment. “Oh, alright. Fine. I will be right back, so don’t you move.” He hurries away, and is back in seconds, with a roll of gazes. 
He helps her sit up, and he wraps her waist tenderly, but just right so it will have the support that is needed. He then softly kissed the bandage. She recoiled slightly, and he gave her an apologetic look. Little did he know, it was because she was still angry with him, and not because it hurt.  Though it did hurt quite a bit.
“I think we might have to postpone the training for a couple of weeks.”
“No, we don’t have time. And besides,” she stands slowly, and though she winces greatly, she does her best to be convincing. “I’m feeling better already.”
“Sit down.” Jasper said sternly. “We are pushing the training back, weather you like it or not. You have at least one broken rib. You need to heal. No way am I handing you a gun to shoot, nor am I allowing you to lift anything until you have healed.”
Trinity stepped towards him until they were toe to toe. “Train me. Now.”

“You’re insane.”
Trinity giggled, but it wasn’t genuine. “Just tell me what to do, and I’ll show you what insane is.”
Jasper hesitated, but picked up the gun, and carefully handed to her. “Okay, hold it like this” He adjusted her hands. “Now, stand like this.” He adjusted her stance. “Alright, now that’s your target. Aim the gun like that…. Yep, there you go. Okay now, click off the safety.” 
Trinity clicked off the safety, and her heart skipped a beat. The cool metal felt odd in her hand. She felt as if she had some sort of power now, but she didn’t quite like it. Clicking the safety back on it once again, she turned to Jasper, and handed the weapon back to him.
“No.” she said
Jasper looked at her confused. Like she had just spoken Greek to him.
“No.” she said again. “I don’t want it. I will NOT use it.”
“But, I thought-“
“I changed my mind, okay? Now, teach me to fight with my hands. After all, that’s more like training if you ask me.”
“Fine. But I don’t want to hear it when your side is hurting worse.”
“ Just have faith in me, Jasper. Please.”
“Alright.” He swung and she hunkered. “No. You have to block, then swing back.”
“But, I don’t know how.”
“ Swing, I’ll block. Then you’ll see how to do it.”
She swung hard, letting some of her frustration out, and Jasper’s arm rose swiftly, blocking his face.
“Very good. See, that wasn’t so hard right? You need me still though.”
Trinity swung again, and this time she connected. The feeling was amazing. And the look of surprise on his face, as he rubbed his jaw, was classic. She smiled an evil grin that only comes from revenge. Sweet, sweet revenge.
“What the he-“
“You asked for it buddy. When are you gonna see that I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for years. What difference is it gonna make now?”
“Okay, maybe I asked for it. But can’t you see that I’m just trying to make an easier life for you?”
“Yeah, because it will be so much easier to have you mother henning me.”
“I don’t want you hurt. “
“Then maybe I shouldn’t be here.”
He sighed.” When two hot heads get together it isn’t good is it?”
“But, I’m willing to make it work.”
“Me too.”

They trained for two weeks. And she got better. All was well until irritation and lack of sleep set in.

“You have got to start letting me take care of you at least a little Trinity.”
“Ugh, Jasper. Are we really going to talk about this again? Give me time. I’m not used to it.”
“I took care of you before.”
“When you were around. When you weren’t busy pushing me away. Look I know you were trying to keep me from the bad, but I wanted you. And I still want you. But if you worry so much about me, you’re bound to end up rethinking us again.”
“If you don’t want to be here, then go. I’m not stopping you.”
“I’m not leaving.”
He stood. “Then I am.”
Panic shot through her. “No! Please don’t. Why are you being this way? I don’t want to leave, and I don’t want you to leave. I was just trying to get you to see from my perspective.”
“I see from it perfectly.” With that he walked out to his truck, and drove off. 
Trinity collapsed. “I can’t win.” She thought. “He’ll be back. I know he will be.” 

She waited three days for his return. She couldn’t wait any longer. Trinity had to do something. She had to find him, and make sure he was okay. And maybe, just maybe, she would be able to talk him into coming back.  Gathering clothes for them both, a small amount of food, and a pocketknife, she set out to find Jasper.

Trinity’s heart beat faster as she pulled up to a cave. She didn’t know what brought her here exactly, but she knew this is where she was needed.

She heard his screams. And it took all she had to keep going. Following the screams, she pulled the knife out of her pocket. Blood. Everywhere. Again. She had to fight hard against flashbacks once again. It was difficult, but she pulled herself out. A tall man stood over Jasper, whose screams were now turning into weak groans of pain. He was on the verge of losing conciseness. The man had a baseball bat, and a bloody knife beside Jasper.
By Jasper’s hand, was a box of matches, a wooden stake and a silver cross.  Jasper reached for the matches, and the man swiftly kicked them away. They hit Trinity’s foot, and Jasper’s eyes followed as they skidded across. Then he looked up to see her. The man turned to look, and headed right for her.
“No!” Jasper yelled.
“You shouldn’t have come here mortal.”
The man swung with the bat, and she ducked just in time. Throwing a hard punch at the man, she missed but was able to inch just slightly towards Jasper.
“Oh no, you don’t.” the man growled, and grabbed the knife.
Trinity suddenly remembered her own blade, she still held in her right hand. She clutched it tighter, and stood her ground.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jasper trying to get up, but falling back. She wanted to tell him to stop straining himself, but she didn’t want to give him away at all. If she did, the man would turn on him.
“What makes you think I’m gonna take orders from a women? Especially a tiny one like you?”
“Five-six isn’t tiny.”
“It isn’t tall either.”
“ What do you want with Jasper?”
“He tried to get me killed.”
Trinity shook. Then she looked to Jasper.
“Love, he tried to kill us both.”
Trinity lunged at the man. He caught her arm, and threw her against the cave wall. She fell to the ground. She felt dizzy, and it made it hard to see. As well as the cave being dark. She got to her feet, and tried to make a run for it. She was going to get the gun. The man slammed her against the wall. She gasped, as the air was knocked out of her lungs. Huffing loudly, she tried to catch her breath. The man pressed against her. She felt every part of him. The blade in her hand had fallen, and now she could feel the stinging her arm where it sliced her skin. A sharp pain in her side. The man’s knife. She struggled to get free, and he pressed both the knife and himself harder against her.
She felt his free hand travel to her neck. She pushed again. He traveled further down. Trinity’s breath quickened. The man’s hand found it’s way to her hip. And she felt his thumb hook into her waistband, and move over. He was looking for the button.
“N-no.” She stuttered. “Let me go!”
“Not after I get what I want.”
“Never.” She struggled more, as he pushed the button out of the hole. His hand searched for the zipper. She bucked against him, and he shoved the knife into her side. She screamed, and went limp. The only thing that kept her from falling was the man being pressed against her. She could hear Jasper panicking, trying harder now to stand up. The zipper slide down, his hand going to the band of her underwear.
Jasper hit the man with bat, knocking him down to the ground. Trinity held the wall to keep balance, but the man grabbed her ankle, pulling her down. He rolled on top of her, and his hand went back to the waistband, as he hit Jasper just right, to knock him out.
“I’m doomed.” She thought. Ugh! My side. And oh my god, no no no.”
She could feel him slipping them down, pressing himself even closer.
“NO!” she screamed. “Please. I’ll give you anything. Just, please. Don’t do this.”
He stopped for a moment. “No deal.”
She bucked against him again, and he pinned her down, grabbing the knife, and plunging it into her side once again. She screamed again, and it turned into a moan. She tried pushing him off, but she wasn’t strong enough. He slapped her across the face, the knife still in hand. She felt it bust her slip, and cut her cheek. The man bent down to try to kiss her, he pressed his lips against hers, trapping her groans and screams there. She turned her head to break away, and not far from her hand, were the matches.
Jasper was starting to come to, and he picked up the bat once again.
“Put the bat down now, or I will do even worse to her.”
“You had better let her go you son of a-“ 
Trinity’s next scream cut him off, as the man pressed harder against her, keeping her still. Trapping her further. It hurt worse than anything she ever knew. Tears started. “Ow.” She moaned.
“The matches!”
Trinity reached for them, but she couldn’t get them. She strained further, and she felt them at the tips of her fingers. Just a little bit more. She got them, and brought them in front of her face. Her hands shook, as she quickly pulled out a match. She struck the match, but it didn’t catch. She threw it, and the man smirked. “How you going to get free now?” The knife pressed into her again. She gritted her teeth, choking back the scream, as she pulled another match from the box. Striking it again, she held her breath, and it lite.
“Throw it on his back!” Jasper yelled.
She threw it, and the man arched and struggled. Screaming, he turned to ash seconds later.
Trinity lay there, shaking and looking at the cave ceiling. She couldn’t believe what had happened.
Jasper rushed to her, and pulled her into his arms.
“Wha-What was that?” 
“A vampire.”
“A what?”
“He came back to kill me. I had sent for him to be killed. Everyone thought he was dead. But he wasn’t. No one knew he was a vampire, until now. Fire kills them. And water heals them.”
“How did he find you?”
“He tracked me.”
“How is that possible?”
“That is one thing, I have not figured out just yet.”
Jasper pulled her underwear and jeans back into place. He stood, and pulled her up tenderly. They both cringed.
Trinity accessed both of their wounds, as they leaned against the cave wall. “In an hour we both will be dead.” She gasped.
Jasper shook his head. “There is a small puddle across the cave, and the vampire touched it. If we drink it, it will heal us both.”
Jasper walked over, and kneeled down slowly. Cupping his hands, he dipped a small amount of water out, and drank. Trinity stumbled over, but fell to her stomach. She hissed in pain. She couldn’t reach the water.
Jasper cupped another small amount into his hands. Bringing it carefully to her lips, he helped her sip it. A pinkish light shown around both of them, and their wounds were healed. They stood, and both broke out into bright smiles.
“Can you believe all the things we just went through, in the past three weeks?”
Trinity shook her head. “I have never seen anything like this. Looking back, in that alley,” she shivered. “I thought the worst, craziest thing I would ever see, was when that man- vampire attacked you. But even after the hell we went through then, and the past four years apart, look at us now. You just saved me. “
“You saved me more.”
Trinity looked at him, confused.
“You were willing to get yourself killed. But baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, that you had to go through that. And if I could bring him back, just long enough, I would. So I could beat him to death, for what he did to you.”
“Jasper, I would go through that a million more times to save you.”
He shook his head. “NO. I wouldn’t let you. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let that happen to you ever again. I love you way to much.”
“Jasper, Id die for you.”
“And I would go with you.”
“You are my life. My everything. You have held my heart since the day I was born. Before you, my life meant nothing. I was just stumbling around with no rhyme or reason. And if I had to live my life, from now on without you, I would have nothing. I would be nothing. You are worth everything. You are my reason to even exist.” He bent down slowly to tenderly press his lips to hers. She kissed back softly, and pouted when he pulled away.
Jasper giggled. “You’re so adorable.”
She smiled at him. “I love you.”
“I love you too, beautiful.”
He pulled her close, and her head resting on his chest. She sighed and closed her eyes. But it only lasted for a moment. She pulled back.
“Our parents! It’s been days. There’s probably a search party out for us. We’ve got to call them or something. They rushed to his truck, and hoped in. They both pulled out their phones. Dead. They looked up, then at each other.
“Payphone.” They said together.

They drove around town, until they found a payphone that worked.
“Do you know your Mom’s number by heart?” Trinity asked.
“No.” Jasper blushed.
“I know mine. Move over.” She dialed, and her mom answered on the first ring.
“Hello?” a worried voice said on the other end.
“Mom! Listen, I’m okay. I promise. I found Jasper. He’s right here. We’re back together mom.”
“They’re alright!” her mom called to the others. Trinity heard a mans voice. It wasn’t her fathers. It was Jasper’s dad!
“Mom, is Jasper’s parents there?”
“Yes. Sweetheart. We were all worried sick. But we knew you two had to of met up or something. I mean, why else would you two have run off like that?”
“Oh, mom. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-oh my god!”
“What is it dear?”
Jasper was on one knee in front of her, holding up a little diamond ring. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
Trinity Nichole Smith, will you do me the honor of becoming, Trinity Nichole Hunt?”
She squealed. “Yes Jasper Michael Hunt, I will.”
  As he slid the ring on her finger, Trinity explained what just happened. “Mom, we’re getting married. And I think we want to come back home, and get a house near both families.” She hung up, and jumped into Jasper’s arms. They kissed for what felt like eternity, but it was the most passionate they ever had.
Carrying her carefully in his arms, Jasper walked them back to the truck. They climbed in once again, and Trinity slid over against his side. He started the engine, and put his arm around her. They smile at each other, then start their journey back home. 
  The following is all about the story.

The theme of “Undying” is shown many times within the story. That is why the title is Undying. The two main characters are the ones this whole theme is centered around, when showing it. They should have died both times they were attacked in the beginning, but they found a way to pull through. In this way, it is more a figurative like “Undying” as well as the fact their love never faded for each other, and still doesn’t even with all the issues they have. Later in the story is where it gets a little weird. You find out the gun man is a vampire, and that he didn’t die even when everyone thought he was killed. The only way to kill him is to burn him. When he falls in the struggles, he touches a puddle of water. His power of healing is transferred there, because water helps them heal. Jasper and Trinity are able to heal by drinking the water. That’s when the literal theme of undying comes into play.

Jasper’s character is based off of the traits of a Scorpio, and also the traits and some features of a real life Scorpio I know. Trinity’s character is based off of me. Both personality traits, and some features of me as well.

The reason the character of the gunman/vampire is not very developed is because I wanted to create the affect of mystery. The less you know about him, the scarier he may be, because you cant be sure what he is like. What he might do. All you know until the end is that he is a very aggressive killer. You don’t even know until he is dead, that he is a vampire. In a way, this puts a tiny twist of irony on things.

The families are a little more developed, but only small snippets of how they feel during the three weeks. The characters aren’t really even introduced, because they have the smallest parts in this story.  Though they are the reasons they didn’t want to go back before, they aren’t as important. But I can assure you, that in the next story you will get to know them even more.
You may notice the small mention of Trinity’s dad possibly having cancer, and that she doesn’t find out at all weather he does or not. The reason for this is because; it leaves a bit of suspense, as well as the ending may leave you wanting more. It opens up a wonderful opportunity for another story.



The author's comments:

I am taking my second semester of creative writing class. This peice has hidden things within it, that are about me, and a guy i used to date. There is a sequal to this story, that i am currently working on. it's a slow process. This is a short stroy, and i hope you enjoy. 

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