Ice Cream | Teen Ink

Ice Cream

February 2, 2016
By IzzyGorbach BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
IzzyGorbach BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A young girl is in line at a Cafeteria and they are serving ice cream. She finds that the kid in front of her has a larger scoop than her. She is quiet but still upset. A teacher goes up to her and asks her what is wrong. She said that the kid in front of her had more than she did and that it wasn’t fair. The teacher looked at her and said “you are not allowed to look in your neighbors bowl to see whether or not you have the same amount. You are only aloud to look in your neighbors bowl to see if they have enough.” The little girl looked at the kid behind her and saw that he didn’t get any. She looked down at her shoes then back at the teacher. She then decided to split her ice cream with him. Even though she only had half as much ice cream, she found that she was twice as satisfied.

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