The Part Of Me I Hate | Teen Ink

The Part Of Me I Hate

January 21, 2016
By arianna.salinas BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
arianna.salinas BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I came out with a smile on my face as I walked out of the saddened double doors. All I heard was what I didn’t want to. “Yes I know this is all may be too much to take in all at once, but maybe with a little bit of time you can be able to adjust to your new lifestyle.”
However the sadness surrounded my family with ease. The words of anxiousness bleeded out of my mothers mouth, with no problem as she told my family (or in other words my older brother Troy and my dad). It all took us by shock everyone from then on was very gloomy as if it were a rainy day everyday.
Ever since then no my mother, who gave me all the attention I didn’t want, worried for me every day and of course especially after chemotherapy every 2 months. Yes, I guess you could say that my kidneys could possibly be the death of me.
Furthermore my chemotherapy is what I think I don't look forward to after the 2 months are up, but I have to admit it's not as bad because the nurse (Faith) comes in and is the most sweetest thing  you’d think she was an angel in disguise. She always walks me through the process step by step and what to do to prep for the next procedure and what to do after my procedure.
My brother, the most understanding, positive, and hands done the most marvelous human on Earth. Through this whole cancer situation,he's been there for me ,he's given up football just to have more time to be with me. Troy has pretty much been my support system he's there when I need him and there when I can't see that I need him.
Surgery, is the practice of fixing what you disliked. I never knew that if I wanted to cure my kidney cancer this is what I would have needed. My mom in tears of joy or sadness I honestly couldn't tell a difference. However I wasn't happy with it. I had to change to fit whatever I needed which I had a true hatred for. “However there is one slight problem her kidneys would have to be genetic”
On our way to the hospital where I was forced against my will to have a kidney transplant, there was a rush of the glass against my cheek. I remembered my brother in fear that he didn’t wake up after that. He lies there with a bright scare in his eyes. I saw the bright blue and red sirens everyone surrounded my brothers damaged car.
Yes the hospital was now my favorite place, it had to have been I was obviously there a lot.The doctors said that I was so lucky to be alive and how the crash could have taken us both. So now my Hero is yet in another place where no one can help me.I guess you could say I’m alone now.
Currently my kidneys are in great shape however like the doctor said they had to be genetic. So now my hero/lifesaver is also dead.


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