The Mistaken Photo, a Law Story | Teen Ink

The Mistaken Photo, a Law Story

December 10, 2015
By ZachShald BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
ZachShald BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Title:  The Mistaken Photo, a Law Story
Kennedy Cathán as the protagonist
Edward Royle as the accused
Aaren Ashton as Kennedy’s friend
Setting: Chicago, Illinois

It was an average day for Kennedy Cathán in Chicago.  People were driving in cars, pizza places were selling their stuff, and yet nothing interesting seemed to happen.  Kennedy was at his law firm working the average day that everyone did when he got with his friend, Aaren Ashton.  “So, heard the news about Edward Royle?” he said.  “I heard he was accused of murder.”  “Yeah, I heard,” Kennedy said, “I’m going to court with him to prove that he is innocent.”  “How are you gonna go that?” Kennedy questioned.  “I’m going to prove that photo was the wrong guy.”  After 5 minutes of talking and preparing, Kennedy got a phone call.  It was the state.  “Your attention is needed.” Said the state.  Kennedy said, “Well, off to the courtroom!”.

When Kennedy went to the courtroom, he met with Edward Royle, the accused person that he’s gonna prove everyone wrong.  “So, I believe you're Kennedy Cathán?” said Edward.  “Yep, that’s me, the famous lawyer and everything!” Kennedy replied.  “You’re gonna plea me innocent, right?  I don’t remember murdering anyone!” said Edward, worrying about his judgment.  “Don’t worry, I got just the thing for you.” Answered Kennedy.

As soon as the courtroom filled with witnesses, audience, the jury, and the prosecutors, the noise went over the top with almost everyone talking, complaining and getting their stuff ready.  The noise went on for about 3 minutes until the judge bangs his hammer.  Suddenly, the noise stops.

“We are gathered here today to judge Edward Royle if he's guilty or not,” said the Judge clearly.  ”Do the prosecutors have the starting words?”

“We do,” said the prosecutor. “Sir, we are determining Edward Royle if he is guilty of Murder, a serious felony in the United States, we have our evidence and we are not afraid to share it and repeat it.”

“Very well.” Said the judge.  “Send the accused to the front.”

Edward walks up to the chair where he sits and says the oath that he will not say anything that will confuse everyone.

The first witness gets sent up to tell what he saw.

“Okay.” “It started when I was at the store when I saw a guy in a purple hoodie and blue jeans.  “He seemed to carry what looks like a combat knife and went to one of the cashiers and said ‘give me all your money!’.  Of course, they refused and he got back-stabbed right in the throat.  I called 911 and got there just in time so that he couldn’t stab any more people.  I took a picture of him, look.”

The witness hands over a picture of what seemed to be the criminal.

“Very well.” Said the judge.  “We will now question Edward of what he did.”

The questions ranged from obvious to totally not.

“Where were you on that day?” Said Prosecutor 1.

“I was at the store.” Said Edward calmly.

“Did you bring a combat knife on that location?” Said Prosecutor 2.

“No, I didn’t.  All I did was buy my usual stuff.”  The audience and jury argued silently.

“Did you say the words to the cashier?” Said Prosecutor 3.

“No.  I said ‘Hello’ on my way in and ‘Thanks’ on the way out.”

Then it went on until Kennedy was allowed to speak.

“Your honor, I’d like to approach.” Said Kennedy.

“Very well.” Said the judge.

“The picture that the witness took is not Edward!”  Everyone gasps in surprise.

“What makes it not?” Questioned Prosecutor 4.

“Well, for starters, the lighting condition in the store was kinda dark.  If the witness and the cameras took the picture if the shop owner repaired their lights, then we would see the criminal’s whole body and clothes.  I mean, I saw Edward at the exact same time that the crime happened and he wore a purple tee shirt and black pants!  How can you confuse a hoodie with a T-shirt.”

“Well, the shopkeep tried to take the photo and good as he could.” Argued Prosecutor 2.

“Well, excuse me!” Said Kennedy with sass.  “This wouldn't happen if the lights are better placed!”

Kennedy, the defendants, and the prosecutors kept going on about the same thing for 6 minutes.  A number of words said cannot be calculated because the voices went into a blurb.

“Order!  Order in the court!” Yelled the judge while he banged his hammer.  “I’ve heard enough!”

“Jury, you have 4 months to judge Mr. Royle.”

“Yes, your honor.” Said the Foreman.

4 months have passed and Kennedy is anxious about the verdict.  He sits in his chair and waits for it.

“Welcome back to court, gentlemen.” Said the judge.

“Does the jury have the final verdict?”

“We have, your honor.” Said Jury #5

“The verdict for Mr. Royle is…”

*Insert drum roll here*

“Not Guilty!”

“What?  How is that even possible?” Said one of the prosecutors.  “We have clear evidence that the accusation is definitely the killer!”

“Well, for starters the picture is not in a clear light.” Said the foreman.“  If our technician fixed the light before the case has started, then you could’ve clearly see that the man in the picture is not what Mr. Royle described.  Look, he’s wearing a blue hoodie and blue jeans.  It’s a color-changing shirt!”

“Well, that’s just great.” Said the same prosecutor.

Kennedy and Edward leave the court building with happy thoughts going into their head.

“Thank you for helping me!” Said Edward.

“No problem. That photo was taken very badly and people should know to take photos in a better lighting condition.” Said Kennedy.

Story was written by Zach 

The author's comments:

The three random words; camera, mistaken and shout.

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