Logan's Code of Conduct | Teen Ink

Logan's Code of Conduct

October 2, 2015
By JLAImBatMan555 GOLD, Lexington, North Carolina
JLAImBatMan555 GOLD, Lexington, North Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

 Logan’s Code of Conduct
Why would it be important to have certain qualities, well, why not? I mean think really hard, if you didn’t have certain qualities that you, or others valued then everyone will be the same, and everyone will be treated the same way. My three qualities are Loyalty, Trustworthy, and Empathetic.
     My first quality and least important quality is Trustworthiness. You see being trustworthy is a good quality to have, the reason being is if you have a job, people are gonna wanna know that they can trust you, they wanna know that they're not hiring a liar, no one likes liars, thefts, or cheaters. Which leads me to my next topic of being Trustworthy, if you're dating a girl, she doesn’t want to be dating some guy that’s going to go around flirting and kissing every girl he knows. She wants a man, a real man that won’t hit on other girl’s and that she’s able to trust.
    Now this also ties in with my next quality which is being Empathetic, which mean’s you feel what other’s feel, you can tell when a girl is upset or happy or even mad. Girl’s love Empathetic guys, if a girls hurt, ooo here’s a good example. Ok so let’s say you and your girlfriend get in a fight, and you blow up in her face and she starts crying and then runs into her room slamming the door, then you feel like a complete jerk for doing so, you decide to go and fix the problem, so you open your girlfriend’s bedroom door and she’s gushing with tears down her face, you climb in her bed and hold her gently, telling her you're very sorry and that you love her very much, and would die without her. Well, then she says it’s ok i’m fine and you have this gut feeling that tells you she's not ok, and then you start to cry and become sad because you know your girlfriend is sad, that is having the ability of empathy, people need empathy in the world so then they know how others feel, yet, today, empathetic people are very rare.
     As for my final, and important quality, Loyalty, now this ties back into the girl situation, but also into many other aspects. For starters girl’s don’t want a guy who’s gonna leave them after they’ve had their fun, they want a guy who will stay with them through the darkest of days, and toughest of winters, they want a guy right there fighting for them and with them side by side. But Loyalty also fits into things as far as knights protecting their king, when a knight knows their king is about to die, would they leave him or stay, that’s what will define their loyalty to the king, if they stay and fight alongside the king till their defeated then,they have loyalty. But if they don’t stay and fight alongside the king, then they don’t have loyalty. Loyalty plays an important role in everyday life.
     So, as we can all tell Loyalty, Trustworthiness, and Empathy, all play an important role in life, loyalty is always staying with that person through the hardest of times, being trustworthy is when someone can ask you something and know that you're not lying to them, and empathy is feeling what others feel, seeing their emotions, and feeling their pain, and acting upon their emotions in a positive manner. 


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