When I Went To Sleep Last Night | Teen Ink

When I Went To Sleep Last Night

April 21, 2015
By Hen Per BRONZE, Frankford, Minnesota
Hen Per BRONZE, Frankford, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Right around 9:30 I went to my wife who was sitting on the couch watching her recorded soap opera and kissed her on the cheek and said "love ya honey, goodnight". She responded with an "I love you sweetheart." I then slowly limped my way back to my room through my lit hallway caked with numerous photos of my family. I get to my room, after walking through my hallway of memories, I slipped off my cloths and put on new pajamas gifted to me by my wife a week and three days before. I rolled into bed, where my body gently swayed slowly into a tranquil hibernation. Soon after I drifted into a vibrant dream.  The best dream of my life. More vivid than my eyes could know. I saw my wife and I together at a family reunion. Where I got to talk to and see all my family members in one place. My son, Luke, was there with his wife, Marilyn, and his kid, Lauren, all at a table with my daughter, Olivia, with her husband, Mark, and two boys, Ryan, and Paul. My sister, Veronica, was next to my mother, Eve, laughing and eating the buffet dinner that was provided. My cousins, Marie, Brooke, Samantha, William, and Grant where at the table with there children, Louise, Jacob, Logan, James, and Danny, along with Eva, Aubrey, Hunter, and Sarah. I felt a feeling that night that I have never experienced before. It was a feeling of... gaiety, it felt.... like a wall of velvet bricks cascading over my body. Starting at my nose, my chest, and my toes and slowly descending through my body until I was drenched in this state of perturbation. Its a feeling not just felt in the stomach, brain, or heart. A feeling of absolute love generated not by the body. One would feel a fraction of what I felt last night if they loved another human being. It's something more than the bodies creation. It was an unfathomable feeling of evolution. It felt like forever. Then I was woken by a gentle welcoming touch, exhaling a breath for man and inhaling a reunification of a bond that seemed to be lost for an eternity. I looked down at my wife kneeling by our bed grasping my hand sobbing, she said "I love you, I love you." She put her forehead on our hands and said "I love you" with the last fraction of hope she had left, expelled through each of those syllables. I felt her broken heart, and whispered, "I love you." Though this time she would only be able to feel my words.

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This article has 1 comment.

Hen Per BRONZE said...
on Apr. 26 2015 at 1:42 pm
Hen Per BRONZE, Frankford, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
I have one typo unfortunately sorry for the inconvenience. Instead of perturbation it is suppose to be imperturbable.